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    Commonly referred to as e-cigarettes, vaping is really about the use of personal vaporizers (mods) and atomizers (tanks, clearos, RBAs, RDAs, RTAs) filled with e-liquid.
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Why is the Government Out to Destroy Vaping

Discussion in 'E-News' started by Siam Diesel, May 2, 2016.

  1. Siam Diesel

    Siam Diesel Thread Starter Nauti Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Vape Wastelands
    "If a new delivery-room procedure reduced deaths of mothers during labor by 95%, CNN and “60 Minutes” would do special hour-long tributes and the new technique would quickly become mandatory.

    If a new safety gadget inside automobiles were demonstrated to reduced fatalities by 95%, it would be talked up as a miracle of the age and be installed in every car.

    And yet, years ago along came a device that reduces harm from smoking by 95%. The reaction has been silence at times, outright suppression at others. There have been plenty of lies to accompany this bizarre smear campaign too.

    If smokers switched to e-cigarettes, it would “prevent almost all of the harm from smoking,” Britain’s Royal College of Physicians stated this week, highlighting growing evidence in favor of e-cigarette use, or vaping. The RCP says it is “unlikely” that vaping is even 5% as dangerous as smoking — and may be substantially safer than that."

    Full NY Post article in the link below. US Public Health agencies...WAKE the F*CK UP!!

    Why is the government out to destroy vaping? | New York Post
    Scuba Vaper and Konvict like this.
  2. Richard

    Richard Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2015
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    Its not good for business for the tobacco and pharmaceutical industry (selling their stop smoking aids).

    A Thai friend of mine asked his doctor about vaping and was told that it is worse than smoking and that it would be better for his health to carry on smoking. I presume that's what the doctor has been told, or read somewhere.
  3. Lotta

    Lotta Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2015
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    $$$. The US, state and local government gets approx. $3 in taxes from every pack of cigarettes that are sold. The FDA approved aids to stop smoking (Nicorette, Chantix, nicotine patches) are multi-million dollar money makers for big pharma. Look into Chantix and see how much money Pfizer has paid to settle thousands of lawsuits alleging that Chantix triggered suicides, suicidal thoughts and other psychiatric problems. Vaping has big pharma and the money grubbing hands of the government scared.
  4. Siam Diesel

    Siam Diesel Thread Starter Nauti Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Vape Wastelands
    Yep, but they can't keep their heads in the sand (or in other darker places) forever. The evidence continues to mount... ;)
    Scuba Vaper and Konvict like this.
  5. Lotta

    Lotta Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2015
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    Their heads are always in the wrong place. It's their hands you have to keep any eye on.
    Scuba Vaper and Siam Diesel like this.
  6. jorakae

    jorakae Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2015
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    I think you may incorrectly assume that they are actually looking out for your health/best interests. They are not. If they were, there would be no war on drugs. If they were, there would be no such things as import taxes. If they were, you wouldn't need government negotiated contracts to tell you that you can now trade freely with other people/countries/companies.

    There are mountains of evidence that show that each one of these things causes more harm than good, yet they still exist. Why?

    The answer can be found by simply following the money trail.

    Millions/billions are made by prosecuting and incarcerating drug producers and consumers at every level of the system. From the police who confiscate vehicles used in the transportation and property seized in locations where they produce them, to the private prison systems that negotiate contracts with cities to ensure that they maintain a certain occupancy rate.

    Millions/billions are made by introducing taxes on lower priced/higher quality goods that enter a country. In addition, this form of protectionism allows higher priced/lower quality producers to continue to operate their current inefficient business models without making the necessary investments to improve.

    People have traded freely for thousands of years before governments realized that extreme amounts of income could be derived by limiting it. Not only from the taxes they introduce, but from the kickbacks given directly to politicians by such companies operating inefficient business models. It is much cheaper to influence a politician than it is to retool a factory.

    The idea that your best interests are taken in to consideration is an illusion and we are all victims of this manufactured illusion. When in question, they directly appeal to the second tier of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, safety and security. Who doesn't want to feel safe and secure? Whenever someone pulls the safety and security card on you, this is the time to question it even further. There is a term for this. It is called security theater. In the broad picture, it is likely to do far much more harm than good.

    In short, I wouldn't hold your breath...

    edited: some grammar
    Last edited: May 2, 2016
    jon, asiaexpat, Pipcon and 4 others like this.
  7. Scuba Vaper

    Scuba Vaper Open Water Scuva Instructor

    Dec 23, 2015
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    Wherever the Onion takes me today
    Already been said, but it's down to dollars and cents, and pounds and pence and so on. Common sense doesn't come into it, greed always does.

    Healthcare must receive millions if not billions for treating smoking diseases. So they have a vested interest.

    Pharma has an interest in peddling 2 cents worth of nicotine for $30. So they have a vested interest.

    Tobacco has a massive worldwide income stream. So they have a vested interest.

    The movies I've watched about mainstream US press practices don't show them in a particularly good light either. Probably same in UK. They are in bed with the money and the powerful, so it's their agendas that get sold, not the truth.

    I think all we can do is continue to preach the truth to all that will listen. It does seem that the UK is very pro vaping at the moment, which is one reason for me to be proud to be British.

    And isn't actually the U.S. much more pro-vaping than a lot of Asia ?
    PS, nicely said by @jorakae above :)
    jorakae and Siam Diesel like this.

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