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Thing is with Shipping/Postal services....

Discussion in 'General Thailand Vaping Discussion' started by -V-, Dec 30, 2013.

  1. -V-

    -V- Thread Starter Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 28, 2012
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    Ok, so this is just 'my honest opinion'
    Other people might have different views, this is just my view.

    Often we read on vaping Forums about shipping problems, we read Thread and posts saying 'never using that Vendor again, rubbish shipping' or 'the shipping from xxx Vendor took for ever to get to me, never using that vendor again'

    Even myself in the past have got upset about shipping, until I once spoke with a UK vendor who stopped shipping to Thailand as he got fed up with e mails from people who had bought stuff and it had taken a long time to get to them or it never made it to them in 'Nakon-no-where'

    When we buy things from vendors all they do is send it with the postal service which was given when buying the item/s online.
    Then all they do is post it with such service.
    The minute it is out of their hands and in the hands of the said postal service, in my honest opinion, that's the end of it for the vendor.
    They don't own the said postal service, they have zero control over this part of the service.

    And again, as soon as it's left the country in which it's been posted, and then arrives in the country it is going to, say Thailand, it then goes into the hands of the Thai postal service.

    How, can 'we' the buyer, hold the 'vendor' to ransom over a service which has nothing what so ever to do with the 'vendor' at all.

    Again, this is just what I think, everyone has their own views, we're here to share so if you'd like to have your say post it up
  2. pommyb

    pommyb New Member

    Dec 12, 2013
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    Jomtien, Pattaya
    I agree. ALL my shipping problems have been AFTER leaving the vendor. I have had slow completion of order from a vendor and also an incorrect shipping address after I entered it correctly and was able to prove it, But that is all. No great problem. Slow service getting it to postal services is annoting I grant you but not a deal breaker for me if I can get the items I want at the price and postage costs I want.

    My only problem at the moment is whether I am experiencing strange service from the Thai postal service, due to the time of year, or if I have a security guard or office worker that refuses to sign for parcels when they are brought to my condo complex. Which it is I have not worked out yet, but in all honesty the circumstances surrounding my worries are making it look more like a problem with the condo complex than Thai Post.

    I have had 4 O/S orders placed and 3 have moved very fast, especially considering the New Year was just around the corner, once in Thailand. In fact US postal was slower in my opinion.

    So all in all I totally agree. Having just re-read one of my posts re shipping I can see that that may have been unclear.
  3. AI-NAAM
    No Mood

    AI-NAAM Provarinati Member

    Oct 10, 2013
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    My complaint with shipping is these vendors that charge more for shipping then it actually cost them.

    Why is it that Halo charges twice as much for shipping than Mt Baker for the same amount of juice?

    Then to add insult to overcharging you for shipping, they offer free shipping within the US. So why cant they give their overseas customers at least a break and charge us the actual postage rate instead of double the rate!

    Getting complaints about mail service is part of the on-line mail order biz. Customers cant find anyone to complain to at the P.O., so they complain to the vendor.
    Cutting off all customers in a specific country because some complained is just stupid.
    Reminds me of a crazy restaurant owner I worked for as a kid. If anyone complained about the food, he would rip up the bill and tell them to go eat somewhere else. He didn’t stay in business very long.

    Cut out shipping to Thailand? No problem. If he doesn’t want to ship to me, another vendor will.
    As you pointed out, even the highly coveted Provari can be had from different vendors, as long as your willing to pay the price.
  4. fruit-lover

    fruit-lover Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2013
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    The catalyst for this feeling of anxiety and dissatisfaction of American vendors is Fasttech.

    Free track-able shipping with EMS.

    When you pay your $16 or whatever to USPS for something to be delivered to your door and it isn't, then you rightfully feel cheated by someone. Whether it's the shipping company, Thailand Post or any other intermediary, it has the stamp of USPS on it.

    And although they say it is tracked, it has to be. They don't just bundle all the packages into boxes for different countries out of LA without any records.

    Of the twenty or so packages I've had delivered to my home over the last three months, I've been very happy with the postal service until now.
    Other members have posted problems with GLV and I am another one of those disgruntled customers.

    And like I said, I won't order from them again. I might get their juices form Micky as and when he has them, though.
  5. -V-

    -V- Thread Starter Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 28, 2012
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    I kinda understand that post f-l but how is it the vendor's, let's say GLV in this case, fault?
    The have zero control over the way it gets handled by say USPS.
    It's not so as per say problems with GLV but more so problems with USPS wouldn't you say?

    I had one order which took forever to get to me from GLV, I know the feeling, but it did finally get to me, think it was like 4 or 5 weeks...

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