1. Welcome to Thailand Vapers, an English language forum for members in Thailand and the rest of Asia to talk about vaping.
    Commonly referred to as e-cigarettes, vaping is really about the use of personal vaporizers (mods) and atomizers (tanks, clearos, RBAs, RDAs, RTAs) filled with e-liquid.
    Are you looking to get started or an old hand at vaping? Everyone is welcome here so sign up today and talk vaping with us!

The worlds leading e cig makers

Discussion in 'General Thailand Vaping Discussion' started by -V-, Mar 4, 2014.

  1. -V-

    -V- Thread Starter Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 28, 2012
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    So who would you say would be up there as the worlds number one company for vapers/e cig users.

    Off the top of my head here are 3 companies which stick out.
    I put these at number one for me, always loved their products and find they are looking for something new not something copied.
    Fair prices too.


    Put these at number two, I have never really got on with their products or really used them much however they are a big name on the worldwide market

    OVALE aka Joyetech
    Always been this thing of which is which, is it Joyetech or OVALE
    Anyway, they were there early on, a big buzz with the eVic around a year back but that's just fizzled out now.
    I tried a few products including the eVic but they just were't my cup of tea.

    So how about you guys, what are your thoughts?
    Big on these huge Chinese production line things or do you like your less 'mass' produced things?
    AKA the hand turned or UK or USA made things....
  2. pommyb

    pommyb New Member

    Dec 12, 2013
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    Jomtien, Pattaya
    Can't say I really have the experience to make a fully informed decision, but ib general terms I would definitely put Innokin up there if for nithing else the value for money on their mods. Good quality and reliability, generally speaking and a good price. Also not straight copies as you say. After that I don't really have a preference.

    Personally though I am moving towards the less "mass" produced items, as you put it, and away from clones generally speaking. Personal experiences of clones has done that for me. Not bagging clones at all though. I am doing this for the higher build quality, generally speaking - and for that matter hopefully as it is not always the case - and a more individual styling on the finish. I acceptthat a tube mech is a tube mech. It looks the same no matter what, but aesthetic finishing and materials can give it a more pleasing look to my eye.

    Only gone this way by looking around and researching. I have my first Mech on the way now, from JD Tech, and I hope my theories are proved to be correct, as this will increase the pleasure I get from vaping.
  3. Siam Diesel

    Siam Diesel Nauti Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Vape Wastelands
    Since making the switch almost 3 months ago, I've only used the mass-produced Chinese stuff - - it was readily available and understandable (to me), came in a complete kit & was easy to use, and the price point was reasonable. Best of all, it worked and I was able to give up analogues! For this reason alone, I'll be forever indebted to Ovale/Joyetech (although I'd now recommend the eCom or eGo CC kits to beginning vapers in this part of the world over my original eGo C...it might be different back in the US or EU where there are some very good, readily-available beginner kits from local suppliers, but these are not an option in LOS).

    Since then, I've moved on (up?) to VV/VW mods (eVic, MVP & iTaste VV/VW), tanks and US juices, which made a huge improvement in both taste and convenience over the first (leaky) cartridges. The ability to be able to adjust/fine tune the taste of the vapor cannot be underestimated.

    I've got a ProVari on order so the jury is out on whether this will be yet another improvement (I believe it will be notwithstanding all the hype surrounding ProVari). I've also started considering the purchase of an RDA & RBA, and assembling the goodies needed to start making my own coils (need a good magnifying headset of some sort to be able to see the damn things...old eyes). I'm curious as to how much more improvement I can get in the taste of the juice (and I'm tired of changing coil heads). I'm not ready yet for a mechanical mod but it's not out of the realm of possibility in a few months as some of the mods talked about here are downright beautiful (I did buy the Siam Mods SS tube for my eVic so it looks and feels much heftier).

    For me, moving from the Chinese products to the less mass-produced items is part of the vaping learning process, and also depends on whether one takes this on as a hobby (I have) or just a different (safer) nicotine delivery system. I believe that they all have their place in keeping us off the analogues.

    I'm looking forward to seeing what I end up using in a year's time (and what the total cost of ownership will be).

  4. Submaniac

    Submaniac Ayatolah of Rock 'N Rolla

    Feb 19, 2014
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    The wastelands.
    I always thought Joyetech was the number 1 ecig maker (in terms of volume/size/sales). I do believe Innokin and Kanger have very high quality. I think Kanger makes better ego style tanks and batteries better than Joyetech themselves (I really don't care for Joyetech anymore).

    I think Provari has got some major pull. To this day, the high end shops have them (and I guess to be a high end shop you have to carry them). It's like Kia or Timex selling lots of cheaper things vs Bently or Rolex selling fewer things for more money. Provari has a very good reputation for quality, and a cult like following. I probably would have bought one had I not gone full mechanical.

    And I get what everyone is saying about going high end. When you first start off, you buy the cheap stuff because you really don't know if you will stick with it or go back to actual tobacco. But once you realize you like it, and what's good and what's bad you start developing a taste for the finer things. When you try a good wine or beer, you don't want to go back to the cheap stuff. When you try an actual high end mod (and JD tech is really good BTW) you don't want to go back to a clone (even though clone is good quality). The actual is even better in terms of threading and attentiont o detail.
  5. -V-

    -V- Thread Starter Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 28, 2012
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    I was just on about personal ideas, who do you put up there as the worlds leading e cig makers?
    I think ProVari needs to come out of the past myself and go the way we are seeing evolvapor and the progress with the DNA 20 and DNA 30 is going. For me ProVari has their head in the sand and won't pull it out. It's kinda dated imho...
  6. Submaniac

    Submaniac Ayatolah of Rock 'N Rolla

    Feb 19, 2014
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    The wastelands.
    ^ Dated? Yes. But so is Bentley, Morgan, Harley Davidson, Saville Row/Brooks Brothers (for us stateside), Rolex/Omega/Blancpain and Mont Blanc (I mean really spend that much on a pen, when you could get a cheap ballpoint. :) , What I think trumps technologicial edge is customer loyalty and reputation for excellence. Most new vapers don't know about a DNA 20 or DNA 30. But they heard about Provari. People who buy high end usually listen to what their friends/family/salesman says. Everyone does say Provari is good high end (which it is). It's like my CBR1000RR which has a 4 cylinder watercooled inline 4 cylinder with 158 hp compared to a Harley Davidson. Harley Davidson (even the new ones) are very low tech. People who want a Harley will buy a Harley technology be damned. :)
  7. debatedude
    No Mood

    debatedude Mech Moderator Staff Member

    Mar 6, 2013
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    I am enjoying my Smok products. I have the Magneto mech and the Vivi Nova tank. Both solid and work well. I have two iTaste mods that work well. Gotta say, the low and mid-raged Chinese stuff works for me.
  8. Submaniac

    Submaniac Ayatolah of Rock 'N Rolla

    Feb 19, 2014
    Likes Received:
    The wastelands.
    I will say (and I know everyone will say) that even the low to mid range Chinese stuff is nonetheless still good quality. But then again, why would you buy Guiness beer, when you could a Chang or a Singha? Why spend the money for a lobster, when you can go to McDonald's and have a filet o'fish? Even those people who are die hard clone users, when given the real stuff will acknowledge that the little things like threading and engraving (and feel) are just a little bit better on the higher end stuff. YMMV. :)
  9. ryanmacl

    ryanmacl Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2013
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    I would say the market leader is probably whoever makes Njoy, since they sell them in every convenience store I've seen in the States. Horrible product by all accounts.

    Since there is still so much room for improvement in the industry, I would have to say the true leaders are those who are thinking outside the box. Evolv has the electronics and the UI down, Svoemesto came up with the Kayfun and has some great ideas for the Semovar, hopefully they'll put a DNA in it instead of that Nivel chip. House of Hybrids has great products and I like their idea of the Z2 spec or whatever it's called. I'd like to see it actually adopted, since the 510 isn't really an ideal mechanical connection.

    Innokin, Kanger, Ovale, I haven't seen anything innovative from them. Products are good but they don't seem to be willing to take any risks, which is a shame. With the amount of product they put out, they could be making all kinds of better performing designs, using microcoils and ceramic wicks, for a tiny increase in cost. I had a huge "oh damn" moment the first time I tried a microcoil--who even uses regular coils anymore.
  10. debatedude
    No Mood

    debatedude Mech Moderator Staff Member

    Mar 6, 2013
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    That is true, but think of this: people who buy the lower-end stuff (like I did with my mech) are probably either getting started or experimenting. Does Smok make the best mech? No. Is it a top seller? It is up there because people use it for starting out and they generally keep using it even after upgrading.
  11. Submaniac

    Submaniac Ayatolah of Rock 'N Rolla

    Feb 19, 2014
    Likes Received:
    The wastelands.
    Yeah forgot about Njoy, and Blue (disposable), and the buyout by Lorillard Inc. of Skycigs for 30million pounds. I think the big boys like Joyetech and whatever will fight out a bloody battle for the low end. I think high enders like Provari and Svoemesto are where to be. And I really can't say Svoemesto is that innovative (sorry). Kayfun is brilliant and best atomizer tank I have every used--BUT having had the Golden Greek Odysseus (which came out first), I know they did "borrow" a bit of design from that (chimney designed/low pressure draw of fluid), though they did improve the coiling design so that it is really ridiculously to build. I think they're aiming to be a European Provari, and mah just do it if they can get the teething problems out of the Semovar. (Apparently some glitches in the computer chip, and they really do not yet have a strong enough dealer network which Provari has).

    I agree. Just because I bought higher end kit, didn't mean I threw out my cheaper mechs. But you got to admit: everyone buys mroe kit. I know when the Kayfun design popped out I had to have it. Did my other tanks/drippers work fine? Yeah. But the Kayfun works better.

    No one wants to drop a couple hundred on one mod when they start out. But then you start accumulating so many clones and copy tanks/garbage tanks that you realize instead of buying a whole bunch of cheaper stuff, you could have bought one or two genuine high end things, and they might actually work better. I really don't think you're gonna stop at the Smok mechanical. You're going to move up eventually.

    - - - Updated - - -

    ^^ microcoil took me some time to get into using. I was used to the "old school" philosophy of wrapping where you are NOT supposed to have any wires touch. Witht the microcoil I was like "what? Really you want me touch all the coils together? Doesn't that go against everything I learned I was supposed to do?"
  12. Siam Diesel

    Siam Diesel Nauti Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Vape Wastelands
    Agree that this is absolutely inevitable if you've decided to stick with vaping to stay off the analogues.

    This is also true...I've spent a lot in smallish increments while on the learning curve (until I ordered the ProVari...but that was only recently). In my case, the friend who got me started had an eVic but they were out of stock so I bought what was available (eGo C kit...eVic later). I had actually been thinking about making the switch for awhile but only took the plunge once I was certain that a consistent supply of juice was available in LOS (I hadn't found this forum yet). It wasn't until I was sure that vaping would work for me that I started reading and learning (and buying ;D). While I'll never regret my first purchase (it's going to a friend on 3 packs/day), I'd probably do it differently today (but that's the beauty of hindsight). FWIW, it wasn't until I joined up here that my spending really started to accelerate (no regrets on that either)!

    But my real point is that we usually get started vaping on the recommendation of a friend or colleague, and we buy what they suggest first time out of the box. If you're one of the lucky ones, the friend will be an experienced vaper who can help you (partly) short circuit the equipment buying curve. If not, you start at the beginning with the cheaper Chinese alternatives, which do work, and I would argue, need to continue to be available to those starting out. It's not the best vape available but they're easy for a beginner to use and understand.

    In the end, it's all good...we're off analogues, which is the absolute best thing!!
  13. pommyb

    pommyb New Member

    Dec 12, 2013
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    Jomtien, Pattaya
    That was the beauty of the Chinese mid range products for me. I wasn't sure about vaping when I started, as I am sure no one really is, and didn't want to spend a fortune if I wasn't going to stick with it. There will definately be a market for these products, and rightly so. Whether it be for people starting out or on a low income or just don't see the point in spending as much as tghey did on smoking, they will always be bought and sold in large quantities. n improvement in durability and quality control would be nice but they will always have a large share of the market.
  14. BadWingman

    BadWingman Newbie

    May 31, 2013
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    My first kit was an ego รง starter kit and whilst the batteries are good the soft plastic tanks they supply are totally embarrassing. Not being a vaper I didn't know any better.

    I'm extremely thankful to whoever it was that suggested Innokin to me. Chalk and cheese in my mind.
  15. Submaniac

    Submaniac Ayatolah of Rock 'N Rolla

    Feb 19, 2014
    Likes Received:
    The wastelands.
    The Ego tanks are the worst horrible tanks that you can possibly buy. When I first started vaping, I went back to smoking for a bit because of how bad those Ego tanks are. Produce lousy vapor. Leak. Fall apart. Pour juice in your mouth. I pity anyone who doesn't know and buys these things because there's a good chance they'll go back to smoking if they don't realize there is way better stuff than that.

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