1. Welcome to Thailand Vapers, an English language forum for members in Thailand and the rest of Asia to talk about vaping.
    Commonly referred to as e-cigarettes, vaping is really about the use of personal vaporizers (mods) and atomizers (tanks, clearos, RBAs, RDAs, RTAs) filled with e-liquid.
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Teenager vaping

Discussion in 'General Thailand Vaping Discussion' started by Fastoche, Nov 26, 2019.

  1. Fastoche

    Fastoche Thread Starter Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2017
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    Today I found out my 15 years old son started vaping in Los at his high school.
    I have been vaping for many years and it helped me to quit smoking.
    But I got angry because I would prefer him not to get into a not so great habit and also because it is illegal in the Kingdom of S. and it could get him into trouble with the Royal brown force.
    What also pissed me off is that by doing this he is proving right the worldwide speech of vape abolitionists who use teenage vaping to ban something which help smokers to switch from a very unhealthy habit to a much better one.
    He told me he prefers to vape than to smoke which I of course agree with.
    After being really angry at him I explained him my opinion in a more reasonable way.
    I know what I could say will probably not change his behaviour because he is a teenager and I'm his old (stupid) dad.
    Any advice would be appreciated on how to deal with it in this abolitionist Kingdom with some bib who are what we know they are.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2019
  2. Raven

    Raven Active Member

    Sep 1, 2016
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    Kids are very bad at listening to their parents, but they are good at copying/imitating what they see from their parents.
    My son is 17 and being a parent taught me that saying "Do as I say, not I as do" to your kid is a terrible idea.
    You can't tell your son to quit vaping unless you quit.
    That said, my advice is: (first, consult with a medical professional of course)
    If you are telling him not to vape in public, you should follow your own rule.
    Buy his juice. This way, you can control his nicotine consumption. This will also help you to lower the nic level without him noticing.
    For instance, you can cut down the nic level 1mg per month until he vapes 0 nic juice (I am assuming that he is currently vaping 6 mg.)
    oil, Bantorvaper, debatedude and 2 others like this.
  3. Siam Diesel

    Siam Diesel Nauti Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Vape Wastelands
    Kids don't listen to us old folks...they have to make their own mistakes (why else would any of us have started smoking so long ago)!
    I'm sure it was a shock but better he's vaping than smoking IMHO.
    Raven has some good suggestions...perhaps it's just a fad he's going through.
    If you can wean him off the nicotine (a bit like coming off of caffeine), that would help.
    Good luck (glad I only have a dog)!
    :vaping: :vaping:
  4. oil

    oil Custom What?

    Dec 24, 2013
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    You should be proud of your son that he vapes instead of the burn sticks,
    besides that everything else has been said already above.
  5. -V-

    -V- Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 28, 2012
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    I would be at first angry but also i look at it as it is as it's been said already
    The mass amount of teens who used to take up smoking years back was kinda just he norm
    Hell I started smoking at 13 years old and none of my parents smoked
    But then around the world is this big fuss of teens vaping...It's one hell of a healthier option than smoking as we all know..
    Zero nic is the answer here imho....
    Fastoche likes this.
  6. Fastoche

    Fastoche Thread Starter Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2017
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    Thanks for all your answers.
    After being quite angry, we had a calm chat about it. He seemed to understand that I prefer him vaping than smoking but that it was not necessary for him to vape as he has never been addicted to anything yet. He also understood that vaping in los is not such a good idea as it will put him in an inferiority position with the bib. His pod has been staying at home since then and hopefully he is not using it anymore.
    Thanks for your advices.
    Siam Diesel and moonoy93 like this.

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