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    Commonly referred to as e-cigarettes, vaping is really about the use of personal vaporizers (mods) and atomizers (tanks, clearos, RBAs, RDAs, RTAs) filled with e-liquid.
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Scientific Analysis of Design Decisions in Contemporary Personal Vaporizers: Taifun

Discussion in 'Vaping Reviews' started by Darth Vaper, May 22, 2014.

  1. Darth Vaper

    Darth Vaper Thread Starter Keep Calm and Impose Your Will on Others

    Jun 26, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Hell, Ironic Punishments Division.
    A putrid festering mound of shyte, suitable at best for making one horribly sick or otherwise unsettled and disturbed.

    Evokes a feeling of limitless rage to reach through the internet and strangle the horsetooth jackass that willfully designed needlessly moving parts inside another sealed part which denies access to said parts and once those parts move (for no reason), the posts cannot be threaded to the base (why do they even come off?) and the device is useless unless fidgeted with until frustration. After which time, it is still useless.

    Yes, you may be able to jostle the parts into alignment and resuscitate the ailing thing, as eventually accomplished by this reviewer after many, many curse words expended. But in the end, you could have done so many other horrible things to yourself, or better yet, a loved one in that amount of time. All the while utilizing any one of a number of other devices that produce vapor consistently on average and never run the risk of all of a sudden making steaming puddles of excrement for you to ingest instead.

    Whatever money some reader might have planned to spend on a Taifun, read this now and believe it later: Your money would be better spent on needles you can stick into your own eye one after another. There is no reason to subject yourself to even the potential risk for enduring this kind of pain needlessly. Buy anything but a Taifun.

    Possibly the worst thing made on planet Earth since Hitler.

    F Taifun
    F Taifun
    F Taifun


    :very good:
  2. ryanmacl

    ryanmacl Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2013
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    Re: Scientific Analysis of Design Decisions in Contemporary Personal Vaporizers: Taif

    Tell us how you really feel. There's no need to hold back.
  3. Konvict

    Konvict ProVari Moderator

    May 2, 2014
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    The Land of Unhappy Vapers
    Re: Scientific Analysis of Design Decisions in Contemporary Personal Vaporizers: Taif

    :rolling laugh:

    - - - Updated - - -

    I was actually thinking of buying one.........
  4. yourauntbob

    yourauntbob hair club for men member

    Nov 19, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Re: Scientific Analysis of Design Decisions in Contemporary Personal Vaporizers: Taif

    :rolling laugh: i was thinking the same thing :rolling laugh:
  5. oil

    oil Custom What?

    Dec 24, 2013
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    Re: Scientific Analysis of Design Decisions in Contemporary Personal Vaporizers: Taif

    ha found it :D

    well i feel now a bit bad that i sold them to you, although, i was sure that i am just too much idiot to correctly wick them, and funny enough my very first wicking with them wasnt too bad, however all others i really didnt like hence i thought i might be just to stupid to wick those correctly..

    btw, Hitler wasnt the bad Guy :D :D :D

    - - - Updated - - -

    hey try this one :d

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 10, 2014
  6. oil

    oil Custom What?

    Dec 24, 2013
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    Re: Scientific Analysis of Design Decisions in Contemporary Personal Vaporizers: Taif

    i made it pretty short up there, so here is the longer version

    just few days ago a friend from germany was at my place and we talked about vaping and i told him that i kinda didnt like the taifun GT too much or i was prolly to stupid to wick it, and therefore i sold it to make room for others, he kinda didnt understand it at all, and he claimed that the GT is the best atty in his entire collection, and this claim i really didnt understand LOL

    anyways, luckily he had his GT with him and i vaped from his, and it was in fact tons of the thickest vapor i ever seen, and tasteful like a dripper, so definatly one of the best vapes. So i was curious how he did and i opened it cause i wanted to see how he wicked it.

    I was amazed to see he simply had only a microcoil there where some cotton was running thru and overlapping at both ends, thats was all. (as the guy in the video above)

    He left his GT at my place as a gift :) so i have a new one now which vapes like crazy, i just wanted to quickly share that espacially with Darth Vapor, to give this coil a shot.

    When i tried my builts before i always did the PBursado builts with ESS and some wick, but the difference between this, and the simple cotton wick is insane.
  7. baldplumber

    baldplumber New Member

    Jan 17, 2014
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    Re: Scientific Analysis of Design Decisions in Contemporary Personal Vaporizers: Taif

    I'm not sure I understand the OP 's English or point, but the taifun GT is possibly the easiest RBA to set up and performs brilliantly. If you were thinking about getting one don't be put off.
  8. Darth Vaper

    Darth Vaper Thread Starter Keep Calm and Impose Your Will on Others

    Jun 26, 2013
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    Hell, Ironic Punishments Division.
    Re: Scientific Analysis of Design Decisions in Contemporary Personal Vaporizers: Taif

    Oi. that went over like a sack of wet mice. Does humor belong in vaping? Not sure yet. But it does pass the time with this tablet while on the porcelain throne.... Did I mention I have cotton balls for sale?
  9. baldplumber

    baldplumber New Member

    Jan 17, 2014
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    Re: Scientific Analysis of Design Decisions in Contemporary Personal Vaporizers: Taif

    Blimey! was the OP supposed to be funny :confused:
  10. BadWingman

    BadWingman Newbie

    May 31, 2013
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    Re: Scientific Analysis of Design Decisions in Contemporary Personal Vaporizers: Taif

    I read it as a humorous post. Would like to see more of these reviews :)
  11. Banjo

    Banjo Member

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Re: Scientific Analysis of Design Decisions in Contemporary Personal Vaporizers: Taif

    It's a good rant that i enjoyed reading.

    Howevvvverrrrrr……..Mine is great.

    Actually, let me put that another way. Mine is great when its great. And a PITA when it isn't.

    The good.

    Topping up the tank is easy peasy.
    Vapes very nice, and has the only metal drip tip i haven't felt the immediate need to replace. I don't like metal on my lips but for some reason this one is fine.
    Since i took out the tiny pipe in the air hole there's plenty of air coming through, but not too much. Really nice pull compared to the others and tons of vapour.

    The bad.

    Hideously prone to leaking unless you fill up the gigantic air holes by putting an additional wick on top. I have not tried putting my PG heavy juice in mine as i'm pretty sure it will end in tears, but my thick VG heavy juices work great.

    The really bad.

    After 4 months of ownership and near constant use I'm pretty sure i can still taste a bit of machine oil lingering at times. This thing has been boiled, soaked in booze, squirted with syringes of detergent, boiled again, soaked some more. You name it, but the design of the enclosed lower chamber is a pig to clean.

    Even so, i've had this loaded and refilled several times since my latest batch of Cinnamon Roll arrived two weeks ago and it's firing on all cylinders. Meanwhile my Russian is frequently mediocre by comparison. My Kayfun is the most consistent of the bunch and is easy to clean.
    Perhaps you got a dodgy Taifun Darth? Perhaps my Russian is not much good either. All my rebuildables are cheap Fasttech copies btw. Of course if i wan't such a tight b*stard i could have bought an original with the machine oil removed at sale.
  12. Darth Vaper

    Darth Vaper Thread Starter Keep Calm and Impose Your Will on Others

    Jun 26, 2013
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    Hell, Ironic Punishments Division.
    Re: Scientific Analysis of Design Decisions in Contemporary Personal Vaporizers: Taif

    Now see I thought I had jumped the shark with references to this guy:



    the evocation of Godwin's law in the very first post and for no rational purpose. If English is not your first language or if you had not been recently exiled to the United States and doomed to consume mass media for decades on end, it is understandable how this type of nonsene could be misunderstood.

    Still fiddling with the controls to find the level of the room... please stand by.

    Meanwhile, for a humorous read on internet 'laws' see this article on The Telegraph's website. It is a bit dated but still worth a look.

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 10, 2014

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