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    Commonly referred to as e-cigarettes, vaping is really about the use of personal vaporizers (mods) and atomizers (tanks, clearos, RBAs, RDAs, RTAs) filled with e-liquid.
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Kanger Aerotank and Pressure

Discussion in 'Vaping Maintenance' started by byoung, Sep 10, 2014.

  1. byoung

    byoung Thread Starter Upcountry Vaper

    Jun 30, 2014
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    I have posted before about how changes in barometric pressure or high temperatures cause the tanks to stop performing properly...stiff draw, no flavor, no vape cloud. Opening the top to let the pressure equalize solves the problem. I experience this with all of the tanks I use accept the Aqua and the Kayfuns are affected by it more than others. I have recently been vaping pretty heavily on a Kanger Aerotank and had not noticed the problem. Then today the tank started gurgling, but the flavor and vape were the same. So I pulled off the drip tip and I could literally hear the air rushing in. I put the tip back on and no more gurgling. However, with the Kanger, it takes about 10 vapes to get the pressure back up inside the tank ( I believe) before the flavor and vape returns and this is different from my experiences with the Kayfuns and iclear tanks (30 and 16D). I don't know if all the Kangers behave this way. The only other Kanger I'm using is a Mini Protank 3 and it gets very little usage, as its my dedicated menthol vaper.

    I know there are some here that don't believe what I'm saying, but a quick Google reveals a thread at e-cigarette forum discussing the same issue. Others are experiencing the same thing, but no one has an answer. So I went ahead and posted mine and will see what they say.

    Does heat and humidity affect vape quality?
  2. Tibo

    Tibo French Hedonist

    Jun 18, 2014
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    I haven't experience it on my Kanger but my Nautilus Mini seems sensitive to overheating.

    Flavor loss and gurggle when chain vaping.

    I might just be lucky but my Kangers work no matter what, even under the rain ^^

    Sent from the future
  3. byoung

    byoung Thread Starter Upcountry Vaper

    Jun 30, 2014
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    Please understand, I'm not talking about the tank getting hot from vaping. I am referring to the outside air temperature. When the air temperature goes up it changes the air pressure. It is the change in air pressure that causes performance problems. When you read the thread I linked to at the e-cigarette forum, everyone is talking about the temperature causing the problem. I disagree. The temperature causes the air pressure to change and it is the change in air pressure that is causing the problem. That is why the problem goes away if you simply open up the tank and close it again. If it was the temperature causing the problem, opening the tank would have no affect.

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