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    Commonly referred to as e-cigarettes, vaping is really about the use of personal vaporizers (mods) and atomizers (tanks, clearos, RBAs, RDAs, RTAs) filled with e-liquid.
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Joyetech E-roll/ Ovale E-mini

Discussion in 'Vaping Reviews' started by Mike10308, Jan 22, 2013.

  1. Mike10308

    Mike10308 Thread Starter New Member

    Oct 26, 2012
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    Hi All,

    A few months ago I purchased a Joyetech E-roll from thaiecigshop.com and I wanted to give you all my two cents. To put everything in context, I've been vaping for about a year and own several e-cig kits including: An Ego-C, a Greensmoke kit and a Joytech 510 kit plus 2 PCC's. I've tried the bigger mod sets but I prefer the smaller cigarette style e-cigs the most. That being said I heavily endorse the E-roll for several reasons that I will outline here.
    First of all its size. I feels just like an analog smoke. Its very lightweight and can easily be held by your lips without aid of hands. Its only Milimeters larger than a analog and is exactly the same diameter.

    Secondly, its performance. Despite the tiny 90 Mah automatic battery (yes 90!) it produces an amazing amount of vapor. Its battery life is around 20mins - 1 hour depending on the age of the atomizer, but this is mitigated by the kits standard inclusion of a 1000 Mah PCC with allows it to become an all day use e-cig. One just puffs on it for a while and then puts it back in the PCC and within 20 mins the completely empty battery is fully recharged. I generally prefer manual batteries but this devise has totally changed my thinking. where my greensmoke auto is sluggish and the amount of vapor produced varied from puff to puff, the E-roll is constant and produces huge clouds of vapor comparable to my ego-c manual battery. The PCC needs only 3 hours to fully charge and I have only once or twice had it die on me before I was finished vaping for the day. This was most likely due to an old atomizer (more on this later).

    Thirdly, the price. Its only 1900 baht for a kit which includes 2 batteries, 2 atomizers, 3 tanks, and a PCC. Its pretty good value for money for a devise that is small, sleek, fits in your pocket, and looks great.

    There are some cons with this system, as there are with any e-cig. One is the size of the tank. This EATS thru juice like no devise I've seen before and the tanks only hold about 12 drops of e-juice. because of this you'll be filling it up quite a bit. Plus there is not room in the PCC to keep an extra filled tank so you'll have to carry around a small bottle of juice when your out and about. Another Con is its an atomizer killer. It uses the same atomizer heads as the ego-c but goes thru them like a hot knife thru butter. I've killed 4 atomizer heads since I bought my e-roll in Early December. Thats basically a new atomizer head every two weeks. In contrast my wife uses an ego-c and she is on her second in the same time frame. Performance of both the battery and the amount of vapor is significantly diminished when using an old atomizer as it places a huge strain on the tiny battery when the atomizer is old which makes it die much quicker (20min for an old one as oppose to an hour with a fresh atomizer head).

    The last con is that the Kit only comes with 1 body but 2 batteries. This means that you cant have one charging while your vaping on the other one. I'm not sure why they didnt include another one in the kit, as their only 2$ in most e-cig store in North america. A big oversight in my opinion.

    In conclusion I would heavily endorse the Joyetech e-roll/Ovale E-mini to everyone. Its a great e-cig for newbies and experience vapers alike. Its extremely portable, and great for taking to the pub or when your out and about and don't want to lug around a bigger system.


    PS Check out some videos online and see what I mean about the amazing vapor this little wonder will produce. Thats what really sold me!
  2. -V-

    -V- Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 28, 2012
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    Thanks for the great review.

    For me unless the battery lasts at least a day it would be no good for me.
    My vamo is huge though, and it would be nice to have something smaller, but the functions and everything about the vamo is so great I won't ever look back
  3. squareflips

    squareflips New Member

    Sep 25, 2013
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    I bought the e-roll for the GF (her intro to vaping). Tried it and I do agree, its a great vape. Thinking of getting one for myself. Produces lots of vapor and taste. Very portable and feels natural. Best device for those cigarette breaks and for driving (automatic). Downside is you wouldn't want to excessively chain vape on these as the unit will get very hot. You can get them for 1300 in thailand for the kit (includes two full units, two atomizers, three catridges, and the PCC), comes in three colors (black, white, and silver), and fasttech sells generic replacement atomizers for a little over 4 dollars for 5pcs with free shipping.
  4. fruit-lover

    fruit-lover Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2013
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    Ovale rock! They may be expensive, even the most expensive out here, but they got me off the analogs and one has to be eternally grateful for that.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
  5. Tawanad

    Tawanad New Member

    Oct 4, 2013
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    Thanks for review.

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