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    Commonly referred to as e-cigarettes, vaping is really about the use of personal vaporizers (mods) and atomizers (tanks, clearos, RBAs, RDAs, RTAs) filled with e-liquid.
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I couldn't believe what I saw tonight

Discussion in 'The Thailand Vapers Lounge' started by -V-, Jul 9, 2014.

  1. -V-

    -V- Thread Starter Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 28, 2012
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    So me and the family were sat eating at KFC tonight, we were sat at a table near the doors.

    Anyway, 3 young white females walked through the doors, early 20s I'd say, I think they were speaking German, not sure.
    Anyway, all they did was walk over to where the free jugs of water were, they all took out a 1.5 litre bottle of water out of their backpacks, these bottles were about a quarter full, and they then filled them up from the free jugs of water.

    Then they just walked back out.
    I was amazed,,,and so was the wife.
  2. BadWingman

    BadWingman Newbie

    May 31, 2013
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    Almost funny that some people would rather embarrass the shit out of themselves than spend a few baht on a bottle of water at 7/11. Guess they were in and out pretty quick but would be nice if a manager had given them the boot.
  3. -V-

    -V- Thread Starter Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 28, 2012
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    That's what the wife said...

    If he or she had started I would have helped for sure, and helped as in being on the side of the KFC manager/manageress....
  4. oil

    oil Custom What?

    Dec 24, 2013
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    well i wouldnt like to walk in there and fill it up myself, would be too embarassing for me personally, however from some point of view they are right,
    KFC usually doenst buy drinking water they just run it thru some own Reverse Osmosis, so from a environmental view buying a few plastic bottles which just add up to the waste doesnt really make sense.

    On a side note i think its worth thinking why we package things which doesnt last long in stuff which lasts 100+ years.
    Saying why we put some sausages or sandwich (might be good for 7 days) in some vaccum plastic foil (doesnt decompose the next 100 years).

    Frankly said they young girls did the right thing we old lazy bums dont have the guts for.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 10, 2014

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