1. Welcome to Thailand Vapers, an English language forum for members in Thailand and the rest of Asia to talk about vaping.
    Commonly referred to as e-cigarettes, vaping is really about the use of personal vaporizers (mods) and atomizers (tanks, clearos, RBAs, RDAs, RTAs) filled with e-liquid.
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giving cigs the boot

Discussion in 'The Thailand Quit Smoking Discussion' started by petewan, Dec 31, 2013.

  1. petewan

    petewan Thread Starter Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2013
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    Hi guys, I moved to thailand at 58 year old and met the girl i married in nakhon sawan. I had tried all the available stop smokeing aids but always went back to to the old ways. I tried to get insurance cover but at a medical they said my blood presure was way too high so was refused. This had me worried and so i returned to Uk and visited the doc. He sent me to get hospital check up which revealed i had a dodgy valve and iregular heart beat. I was put on a waiting list and eventualy was addmited for heart surgery. In the meantime i had stoped smoking but not stoped wanting a cig. The surgery was done and while in there they did two bybass which they said were needed. I then returned to thailand . I eventually started to smoke the odd cig which escalated to a pack a day. So back to square one. I read about a drug called champix which was available only through a doctor so i visited the doc and yes they did work for me, as long as i kept taking them and they were very expensive. Cigs being cheap i eventually ended up back on a pack a day. I had given up giving up. I just said what will be will be. Then i got pain in my groin which was getting worse and so back to the docs. First thing asked ,do you smoke. Anyway it was a hernia and needed an operation.This has now been done and i discovered vapeing which has completely ended my need for cigs. My blood presure is now normal and i feel better than i have in years. It is far more pleasurable to vape than smoke and you can vape anywhere without offending anyone or making a smell. No more ashtrays or standing outside like a leper or burns on your clothes or car seats. I now have no intention of giving up my vaping and will be buried vaper in mouth with a full charge. The only thing to add to this is you must get the good vaper and not the cig size made in china rubbish which does not work.... happy vaping and new year to you all .. peteinpatts
    :vaping::very good::congratulations:
  2. Satonic

    Satonic New Member

    Dec 31, 2013
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    Congrats Pete :) it's my day to stop the smokes tomo, currently smoking about 30 a day so fingers crossed it goes ok!
  3. petewan

    petewan Thread Starter Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2013
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    I wish you good luck, But if i can after over 50 years of a pack a day there is no reason why you cant. I think what made it so easy for me is the fact that since i moved to thailand i have been smoking menthol and the menthol vape tastes just the same, It realy is life changing and for the better. With a good vaper you will be smoke free in no time . There are some awsome ones on this web site but even the less expensive like i have do the job .mine is the eGO-V v3 with aspire BDC clearomizer and its not expensive but sure as works .........peteinpatts
  4. fruit-lover

    fruit-lover Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2013
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    Hey Pete?

    It feels great doesn't it?

    don't you just wish that something like this had some around 20 odd years ago?

    I know I do.

    Keep vaping, mate.
  5. petewan

    petewan Thread Starter Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2013
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    hi. fruit lover, it does indeed feel great and at my age i wish it had been available 45 years ago. but i have to say had i not stumbled on this site i would not have known how enjoyable vapeing is as i have never seen the vaper i bought or anything like it till i found this site. So 2014 is going to be a special year for me, Happy new year to you, pete
  6. nattiboy

    nattiboy New Member

    Jan 7, 2014
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    Congrats on giving up. I've tried and failed many times before, patches, cold turky, you name it. I've read Allen Carr's book about 6 times!!
    I've started vaping, and i must admit i feel better than when i smoke, but i can't help feel a little guilty, as if i'm cheating and haven't given up. Does anyone esle feel that way?
  7. Anbessa

    Anbessa Come&Go Member

    Apr 24, 2013
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    No guiltynes just pure pleasure. Vaping pleasure. Vaping from morning to night and enjoy every puff. Didn't wanna stop smoking actually but vaping has banned cigarettes out of my live.


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