1. Welcome to Thailand Vapers, an English language forum for members in Thailand and the rest of Asia to talk about vaping.
    Commonly referred to as e-cigarettes, vaping is really about the use of personal vaporizers (mods) and atomizers (tanks, clearos, RBAs, RDAs, RTAs) filled with e-liquid.
    Are you looking to get started or an old hand at vaping? Everyone is welcome here so sign up today and talk vaping with us!

Getting started

Discussion in 'The Thailand Vaping Newbies' started by Banjo, Jan 2, 2014.

  1. Banjo

    Banjo Thread Starter Member

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Hi folks.

    Just starting the Vape journey. I've been smoking for over 30 years, Golden Virginia roll-ups for at least the last 10 so it's time for a change. I've watched a few youtube reviews to get some idea of where to start and Micky has suggested the following:

    Atomizer :
    Aspire ce5 or iclear16 or mini unitank
    Battery :
    Vision spinner or eGo-v v3 or iTaste vv
    Juice :

    I've read lots of atomiser reviews now and they all sound good so i'm unable to make a decision. Anyone consider any of those suggested to be superior to the others?
    i know nothing of the battery options, or any pro's or con's of those Micky mentions. Any thoughts?

    The Halo juice sounds great and i'm hoping Micky will fix me up with some tobacco flavours. Any advice on what strength i should be looking at? i'm a first thing in the morning smoker, and when on straights go for marlborough/camel lights, though, as mentioned i'm a long time roll-up guy most of the time. i do not like menthol tastes.

    Finally, i don't understand Mickys shop. I live in Bangkok and have a Kasikorn account and Visa card but i can't see any Buy Now options on the site, though there are bank details.

    Anyway. Enough questions for now.

    Happy New Year to all.


    - - - Updated - - -

    OK. Just found Micky's Sticky re shop payments. Any info on my other questions would be appreciated.
  2. pommyb

    pommyb New Member

    Dec 12, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Jomtien, Pattaya
    Hi Banjo,

    I have 2 eGo V V3 and they are a good piece of gear. I am using it as a back up as I vape a bit heavily and I work the battery too hard. It does have a larger capacity than the VV V3.0, which I do not have any real knowledge of, Otherwise they are basically the same specs for both. If you look on youtube you can find reviews for both units.

    I don't have any of these tanks, but again you should be able to find reviews on youtube. I have only used a poorly made COPY ce5 so cannot compare to the authentic ones.

    I was smoking 40/day 18mg analogues about 3 weeks ago and went on to 18mg/ml juice. Cravings for me were minimal. So if you consider yourself a medium to heavy smoker cinsider starting on 18mg/ml at least. Higher is available, but I'm not sure you can get it from Micky's shop in Halo.

    Taste of juice is very personal. Something I like you may detest and vice versa. Personally I like the Midnight Apple, Turkich tobacco, Torque 56 and Tikki, in that order, from Halo, for tobacco base juice. But trial and error is the only way to get one that is right for you. Also you may only like it for a few hours at a time and then want to change flavours. It really is not the same as cigarettes where you tend to find a brand and stick to it. That one all day vape flavour is an ellusive animal.

    Hope this helps. Sorry I couldn't give you more information.

    Happy vaping

  3. Dieter.

    Dieter. Secret Member

    Nov 9, 2013
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    First of all welcome to the forum Banjo. :very good: Micky has some fine suggestions, so lets break then down. I have been vaping for a half year so fare, and since i also bought some stuff from local vendors that did not work too well, and the knowledge of the clearomizers / Atomizers was small I had some with coils, where i did not knew the resistance. Very anoying, since I then had no idea, what voltage to vape them on. :good idea:

    I have both the ego-v and the vision spinner. They both work good. And i like the somewhat big battery power.
    ego-v v3 and the itaste vv both have a way to messure the resisteance of the coil, and choose the right voltage, when in Wattage mode.
    Vision spinner only had a wheel in the buttom to change the voltage.
    They all 3 works fine, as I know but at least I would buy at least one that also can messure the resistance.

    Tanks, I do not know the aspire ce5 or iclear 16. I only have the mini unitank that comes with two driptips or mouthpiece. The uni tank works fine for me. I know that others also are happy for the Iclear 16 and aspire ce5. But all tanks are plastic tanks, and some liquids mostly Menthol and others are said to destroy a plastiktank, or crack it. Fruit-lover just had an example of that not so long ago. I am sorry Micky does not yet has the Pro tank mini in stock. That one has a glastank, and i juse a glastank for critical juices.:grin:
  4. Amaxster

    Amaxster New Member

    Dec 19, 2013
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    Chiang Mai
    Hi Banjo and welcome to the forums.

    I use the ego-v vv3 as my main device, sitting on the computer you can chain-vape away in USB mode and not worry about battery power at all. Saying that, I believe the iTaste VV has all the same functionality as the ego, so really little between them ...

    I recently bought an iClear16 and an Aspire BDC CE5 from Micky. Both are good little tanks, I used the iClear16 first and the Aspire was left sitting in it's box for 3 days untouched - I was so happy with the performance of the iClear. But saying that, once I did try the Aspire it has quickly became my defacto tank - better flavor (imho) than the iClear if you chain-vape because your not relying on wicking, and none of the problems you get with some other bottom coil tanks such as gurgling and spitting (touch wood).

    Honestly I'd recommend trying out both :) Just don't forget to get some replacement coils for whatever tank(s) you purchase ... being low on spare coils is a tense experience! :D

  5. Merangue

    Merangue Active Member

    Jun 26, 2013
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    All of the above is good advice. I personally use Aspire tanks because the Coil heads ( replaceables) give very good flavour and vapour but also can be used in a variety of Aspire tanks. I have the plastic CE5's the glass Mini nova style the ful size Nova tanks and the Anyvape Davide style in glass and they all use the same heads. This is very handy indeed.

    The I Clear 16's give a nice vape and until the Aspires came out they were my main clearomiser along with the I clear 30s.

    I can't personally advise on the Batteries as I use more advanced stuff now but I got along very well on a couple of Twists/Spinners originally. I would certainly agree having an Ohms checker is important though as is Variable Wattage or power.

    Juice is far too subjective. My advice would be to get more than one flavour and try them out over time. Find one you can live with for now and worry about the perfect flavour later. Most people like a tobacco style to start with and Halo make some good ones.

    There are lots of reviews on youtube for all of these things and I strongly suggest spending a few hours checking them out.

    Try some of the following reviewers.

    Outlaw vaper
    RiP Trippers
    Amanda Orcutt ( the only non ugly one )

    If you watch some of their stuff not only will you learn a lot but a fair bit of it is quite humorous.
  6. yourauntbob

    yourauntbob hair club for men member

    Nov 19, 2013
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    Plenty of good advise written above so i will not repeat. Micky's suggestions are the same as mine and its what i have bought in the past for family members i was/am hoping to convert.

    welcome :welcome:
  7. Banjo

    Banjo Thread Starter Member

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Many thanks for the advice.

    I have gone with Micky's original suggestions and we'll see how it goes. My old lady is in the same boat as me with 25 years on the fags, versus my 35, so if it all goes according to plan we'll likely be calling on Micky for another set next week. Perhaps we'll give the Aspire a go next time and an alternative battery but my guess is the stuff Micky has prescribed will be more than adequate to get us up and running.

    The only problem was juice. I went with some Feelife Chinese juices and the Halo Southern Classic. I did some research of Halo juices and there were other blends higher on my wish list that were unavailable. Once again, let's see how it goes. I have to say i found buying juices particularly tricky as there was no list of available juices, just vague posts telling me what had run out, often months out of date. Surely it can't be hard to post a list of what is currently available? or did i miss it in my search of the shop?

    Anyway, a new chapter begins and many thanks once again for those who've been kind enough to take time to give me the benefit of their experience.
  8. pommyb

    pommyb New Member

    Dec 12, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Jomtien, Pattaya
    Personally Banjo, I think we are lucky to have ANY USA juice available in Thailand at all. Bloody hard to get, in any quantity, into Thailand. Generally, I think, when he can get it again he updates. Then, I would assume, there is a massive rush and stocks go down again. But I'm new here and could be wrong.
    He has said on the individual threads that he hopes to have some of them back in stock this month or next month. Time, and Thai customs authority, will tell.
  9. -V-

    -V- Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 28, 2012
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    In Micky's shop for say, Halo, GLV or MTBaker, the first page and first post is where the list is of available juices.
    The list gets updated as and when Micky gets it in stock.
  10. Banjo

    Banjo Thread Starter Member

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Hmmm… Look i totally understand Micky's marvellous contribution to this community, but it seems to me there's something ludicrously counter-intuitive about the current set up. Let's look at this from Micky's POV. Which would you prefer? People checking your post outlining current availability, or being bombarded with emails, PM's etc from people wondering if you have this or that? You only have to look at the threads on his shop to see the number of people looking for this info.

    I must have spent a good hour and a half clicking on posts to try and find out what was actually available. I still don't know, i have yet to find a list of what the shop sells. I also sent him several emails. He courteously replied to all of them, but he shouldn't have had to. This is a crazy system, and surely very annoying for Micky who must get loads of unnecessary enquiries. Sorry, but my correspondence with Micky about juices was a waste of both our time, but particularly his, as he must find himself having the same conversations with many customers.

    I'd like to add that it's great of Micky to respond to emails at all since he's apparently on holiday. Indeed, he should probably have turned his phone and computer off and forgotten about it for a few days. Happy Holidays Micky.:very good:
  11. Anbessa

    Anbessa Come&Go Member

    Apr 24, 2013
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    Hi and welcome to the virtual vaping hafen. To inquire availability the first post of the treat of the seller is were you get the information. This first post is always updated. Usually different flavors have the strength of the nic level next to them in line and if for example 16 mg is out of stock the # will be crossed or removed and you might see only 0mg or 11mg. This is quite common for treat sales in Thailand on other forums as well. For gear sometimes if it is out of stock it will be updated direct in the treat header. Hope this helps a bit.

  12. -V-

    -V- Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 28, 2012
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    I've took into account what you have said and changed around Micky's shop a little.

    Should be a little easier now.

    Also click on any Title and the OP will show what is in stock or out of stock.
    There are no 'Buy Now' buttons as this is a Forum Vending site, giving a 'Personal' touch with sales.

    Micky is more than happy to answer PMs or E mails about his items for sale, and from what I have been told by other members they like this personal touch from Micky.

    Hope you get use to the Forum here and enjoy your stay
  13. pommyb

    pommyb New Member

    Dec 12, 2013
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    Jomtien, Pattaya
    A big YES from me on that one. Good info, always available, and easy for new vapors to get good advice from Micky. Always been a big plus for me.
  14. fruit-lover

    fruit-lover Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2013
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    I've spent over 15 years living here and if there is one thing that always holds true, it's that you have to be more accepting of how things are done.
    You may often think that your way is better or makes more sense, but you are missing the point.
    Go with the flow, dude.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. pommyb

    pommyb New Member

    Dec 12, 2013
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    Jomtien, Pattaya
    Onl here for 18 months and know this to be totally accurate. I would have pulled my hair out by now otherwise, if I had any.:rolling laugh:

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