1. Welcome to Thailand Vapers, an English language forum for members in Thailand and the rest of Asia to talk about vaping.
    Commonly referred to as e-cigarettes, vaping is really about the use of personal vaporizers (mods) and atomizers (tanks, clearos, RBAs, RDAs, RTAs) filled with e-liquid.
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eCigarette, A Bad Name Invites A Bad Rap

Discussion in 'General Thailand Vaping Discussion' started by Anbessa, Jan 2, 2015.

  1. Anbessa

    Anbessa Thread Starter Come&Go Member

    Apr 24, 2013
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    the article from Pucks web site about what i was thinking for quite some time as well. To get the therm e-cigarette whit it's associations out of the Vaping world. Looking at my box mod with a dripper attached it doesn't remind me of a cigarette at all.Also the way i Vape, lung inhales, doesn't remind me of smoking a cigarette anymore. Only the Vaper blowing out of my mouth has a similarity to blowing out smoke before but the Vapor is much more and tastes a lot better then smoke.

    Do you have a better therm than e-cigarette maybe?
  2. Rick O-Shea

    Rick O-Shea iStick Fanboy

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Nevermind ;)
  3. David in Bangkok

    David in Bangkok Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2014
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    I don't know, saying "PV/Personal Vaping" device or something like that is/was around right? Maybe it doesn't sound cool enough?

    The throat hit is sort of trying to replicate smoking anyways. I think people try to first switch to vaping and use a cigarette style vaping device, then they eventually get switched over, then they quit vaping or move on to something that no longer resembles anything close to a cigarette. It isn't VERY similar to smoking, but I find it somewhat similar which is what makes it so easy (or at least easier for me personally) to switch.
    Anbessa likes this.
  4. Anbessa

    Anbessa Thread Starter Come&Go Member

    Apr 24, 2013
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    You just about nailed it. First i thought i need something performing as close to a cigarette as possible until i found out the closer a device and the Vape seems to be a cigarette alike the more unsatisfactory the Vape and the sensation was.The more the PV went away from a cigarette and it's assassination like taste and whatever it was kept me smoking the more the Vaping satisfied me.After a while the trot hit became kind of unnecessary as well but the flavor and the Vapor production is what makes me enjoy Vaping.Also the tinkering with RBA's and the gear became a hobby.

    Vaping is missing the water to be called an E-bong.

    How about ELVPD (E-Liquid Vaporizing Personal Device) or "Vape Engine" for mods.
  5. Mack

    Mack Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    I agree, I no longer need th, and very little nic too, I also seemed to have stopped inhaling so much at some stage, not sure when it happened. As all the taste buds are in the mouth I suppose it makes sence.
  6. jon

    jon Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2014
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    Nong Luong
    Have to agree. Personally I have used the term vaping and vaping equipment since I first heard it.
    Same with the liquid, have no need to put on the e, it's juice. Always when I talk with people about it, I tries to break the connection to e and cigarettes / smoking.
    I'm an ex-smoker that have found something to break a very bad habit.
    The mods I simply call mods / mod. For people not in the know, it's just a new term anyway so why not just call it a mod.
    Dieter. likes this.
  7. Dieter.

    Dieter. Secret Member

    Nov 9, 2013
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    Also a good term, I always use the term vaping device, for my mods and tanks. I always had a negative feeling about the term e-cigarette, wich I consider to be the disposable c-cigs that a sold, that are sold from the big tobacco. I rather think of the gear we here all are using as something very different. If it had to be compared with something it should be pipes and not cigarettes. Many pipe smokers also bought different pipes, pipe gear for cleaning then. there where special shops where pipeowners could buy special tobacco, or even create their own blend of tobacco and the like. And that is excatly what most do with the vaping equipment now. I guess the word e-cigarette are created buy the media just to give the whole vaping comunity a bad name, since many today look at cigarettes as something negative, it will also affect the vaping comunity, since the term e-cigarette also will be regarded as something negative.
    jon likes this.

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