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did you know......?

Discussion in 'Temperature Control board Talk' started by Longtail1, Jun 14, 2015.

  1. Longtail1

    Longtail1 Thread Starter Vaping Troll

    Sep 2, 2014
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    That dual coil TC vaping doesn't work?

    Before I go on I want to clarify that this is on MY SX Mini m class and although I have other tc mods this was an unintended result and I don't want to repeat it.

    I had just built my Zephyrus in nickel for the first time and wicked and primed 1 coil. Without thinking I did what I would normally do for a Kanthal build and test fired the one primed coil to make sure I gad develppedno hot spots. No problem you would think as the temp control and wick protection will kick in.


    The second nickel unwicked ni200 coil was glowing a nice bright uniform red and firing just fine.

    From this it APPEARS yhat only single coil tc is possible. Am I the last to know this? Probably. Lol
  2. Rick O-Shea

    Rick O-Shea iStick Fanboy

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Not sure I understand completely.

    One coil was wicked and had juice on it, the other had no wick or juice?
    Could that be the difference between the temps of the two?

    I know nickel requires very little power to glow. I don't know why what happened happened but...
    Hundreds of thousands of people have been using temp control, I'm pretty sure that if dual coil wasn't possible we would know by now.
    In temp mode the SX Mini won't fire without a wick and juice IME's. Maybe you somehow tricked the hardware?
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2015
  3. Longtail1

    Longtail1 Thread Starter Vaping Troll

    Sep 2, 2014
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    That is of course very possible Rick. I can't work it out myself. It was just by habit that I did it. Might put it on anoth tc mod and see what happens.

    I did check the sx with a single coil build in a lemo2 and dry coil warning was working fine. No burnt cotton and no glow with no cotton.

    Time to pkay I guess. Lol
    So there I have it. Dual coil tc can be fooled. 2 coils 1 wicked and juiced the other just coil and both heat and the empty coil starts a dry burn. This is on the temp protection type tc seen on rDNA AND dry coil warning as on the sx mini

    Single coil only for me for tc. Don't like the idea if overheating nickel.

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