1. Welcome to Thailand Vapers, an English language forum for members in Thailand and the rest of Asia to talk about vaping.
    Commonly referred to as e-cigarettes, vaping is really about the use of personal vaporizers (mods) and atomizers (tanks, clearos, RBAs, RDAs, RTAs) filled with e-liquid.
    Are you looking to get started or an old hand at vaping? Everyone is welcome here so sign up today and talk vaping with us!


Discussion in 'The Thailand Vaping Newbies' started by markmondejar.ph, Mar 20, 2015.

  1. markmondejar.ph

    markmondejar.ph Thread Starter New Member

    Mar 18, 2015
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    hi! :) good day everyone. im from the philippines and now residing here at thailand.
    Do any of you is a fan of cloudchasing here? because in the philippines cloudchasing is very popular
    the thicker the cloud the better the vape! :) but i think thai people focus on flavor chasing because they love tanks! :) hit me up with your answers! :) thanks thailand vapers! :)
  2. -V-

    -V- Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 28, 2012
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    It's what ever keeps you off the cigs really...
  3. Rick O-Shea

    Rick O-Shea iStick Fanboy

    Aug 31, 2014
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    I'm somewhere in between. I need a decent amount of vapor to satisfy me and with that comes a cloud but not what I would call cloud chasing standard.
    Steve.H, markmondejar.ph and Talen like this.
  4. -V-

    -V- Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 28, 2012
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  5. Rick O-Shea

    Rick O-Shea iStick Fanboy

    Aug 31, 2014
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    No, on my phone at the moment, Android. Also open on notebook, win8.
    Still using Dolphin browser on my phone, not sure why it seems to be getting worse.
    I see the apple in my profile though lol
  6. Scratchy

    Scratchy Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2014
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    For my preferences flavor production trumps vapor quantity. For example, I own a Rose V2 which has a fairly tight airflow and thus cannot make big clouds but it has the best flavor rendition of any tanks I own. Sometimes though I really like more or lots of airflow and vapor and I have other thanks that can give that to me albeit with a little, or even more than a little, loss of flavor quality compared to the Rose. It's a trade-off and having different devices that achieve different things very well is a great thing to have.

    There are certain juices I cherish more than others (usually have in smaller quantities) and they more often end up in RDAs and tanks like the Rose V2. Speaking of RDA's, there's still not a tank I have yet tried that can give me the same dense and rich-tasting vapor flavor that my better RDAs can. One of the benefits of those better RDAs is that they can be quite good with volume of vapor as well.

    I don't go out of my way to build coils for the sole purpose of making the absolute biggest vapor clouds possible. So, I guess that means I am not a "fan" of cloud chasing but I can appreciate that others are and heck, sometimes I do build coils to push the cloud production up to higher than average levels and I can enjoy that a lot.

    Besides seeing more of the country itself, I'd really like to check out the vaping scene in the Philippines some day. I've been to Manilia several times over the years but that was when I wasn't a vaper and vaping wasn't a big thing anywhere. Bet it's great to be one there now. Oh and I've always been impressed by many of the superb vaping products coming from there!

    Finally, like V said, whatever keeps one off the cigs but adding, with safety and respect for others in mind. One thing I worry about are extreme cloud chasers creating bad press/regard for the whole of the vaping community. Could come due to ignorance or disregard of safety or chasing clouds in inappropriate places or in disrespectful ways.
  7. Tibo

    Tibo French Hedonist

    Jun 18, 2014
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    Some of us are a bit into it but not restricted to it. I enjoy clouding depending on the situation, mostly at home. When out and around, I prefer something more discret, I then do a flavor oriented build.

    I got curious at some point so I bought 3 parallel mech box, one from your country actually, a little beast that is ^^ I still have my Doge RDA with a .11ohms build on it but I never found it enjoyable, it's not a chill out vape, you actually have to focus to vape it, it is so powerful.

    My brother in law is doing cloudchasing competition in France, it is really cool and I definitively don't look down on him at all. His technical knowledge is far better than mine because he wants to practice safely so he did the research. I understand the getting together, we do the same, I am not a competitive guy though so I won't attend a competition.

    I left a Cloudchasing group on Facebook because even though they were nice, there was very little info to get. The guys keep on doing call outs and firebacks 4 or 5 times a day, posting video of themselves, alone, blowing clouds with a light behind them. No judging at all but definitively not my thing. Feels a bit of a "who got the biggest one" kinda of game (and they all have massive ones lol).

    But I also learn a lot from guys building very low, they tend to really know their stuff, it is a great knowledge source.
    Nanook and Siam Diesel like this.
  8. jon

    jon Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2014
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    Nong Luong
    Not interested in "Cloud chasing" per see, but I do like / need / want some good vape together with flavour. The flavour is the most important, but they really goes together for me.
    And since I prefer high vg juice ( 20/80 ) is what I use now, and parallel builds, and rda's there is easily some vape coming now and then.
    I likes now and then to sit and enjoy my Mutation X v2 with a dual parallel build that is pretty low. Use the Sigelei at around 95w. I enjoy the vape, and pretty good flavour too.

    But airflow is a must for me, high vg is a must. But my sweet spot is usually around 0.2-0.3 ohm, so quite conservative there. I likes to watch some videos from the really good chasers, but it is really to much bother for me too. To be really good you must be precise and put some effort in it. And I really vape to stay of cigarettes.

    For me a good time is sitting in the early morning with a good rda and drip some good juice, sometimes a good bit of clouds yes, but that a natural effect of the things I like put together, not a goal in it self.
    Tibo, markmondejar.ph and Rick O-Shea like this.
  9. markmondejar.ph

    markmondejar.ph Thread Starter New Member

    Mar 18, 2015
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    Im not a fan of cloud chasing too.. im somwhere in between. good flavor good clouds.
    but sometimes i try to cloud chase out of curiosity. Actually everyone can cloudchase its just a combination of right build, airflow, rda and mod! :)
  10. Mack

    Mack Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    Cloud chasing has its place in finding flavour too, they are not exclusive. The thicker the cloud the more liquid that is delivered to the taste buds, and at lower temps. I like thick clouds, I dont need a lot but I do like my mouth filled with the thickest clouds posible. After that it down to the temp, each flavour is different, a menthol can be good at lower temp where as sweeter flavours benefit from some heat to bring them out. That said we are all different, but we do all seam to be moving to more flavour and more vapour.
    Nanook, David in Bangkok, jon and 2 others like this.
  11. jon

    jon Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2014
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    Nong Luong
    Agree Mack. As I wrote too, I need the combination. A vape without a good bit of vape is not satisfying. Had the same crave when I smoked, chain smoked to get clods as they were.
    One of the reasons I like parallel build that much. Gives me both the vape and flavour.
    I likes it a little hotter to and rarely go below 25W.
    But yes, we are all different, and that is a real blessing :)
    David in Bangkok and Siam Diesel like this.
  12. Tibo

    Tibo French Hedonist

    Jun 18, 2014
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  13. markmondejar.ph

    markmondejar.ph Thread Starter New Member

    Mar 18, 2015
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    @Tibo i dont have friends here yet.. haha! but do you know any filipino vapers here?
    @Tibo do you know how to fix an ABS mod.. just fried my mosfet..
    i bought it from bigby-pass last 2weeks ago and already fried it.. i didn't know that it can only handle 0.5 ohms.
    Tibo likes this.
  14. Tibo

    Tibo French Hedonist

    Jun 18, 2014
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    Hahahaha welcome to the club, mine lasted 10 minutes ^^

    If you only want to change the mosfet, it is pretty easy yes. BUT, since you bought the same box as I did, you should know the d*ckhead who build it did not build a parallel box. You're actually running on a single 18650. Even if you change your Mosfet by a good one (3034 model for instance), you still won't have the power you could expect with a dual mech mod.

    Depends what you are looking for. I took everything out from mine and I will rebuild it. Just waiting for couple of few things such as solder flux and something to hold everything in place. Will shop this weekend probably.

    Here @markmondejar.ph , join the party ^^
    Replacing my Mosfet (fried) | Thailand Vapers
    Siam Diesel and Mack like this.

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