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    Commonly referred to as e-cigarettes, vaping is really about the use of personal vaporizers (mods) and atomizers (tanks, clearos, RBAs, RDAs, RTAs) filled with e-liquid.
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Help Best / Good readily available tank for Smoant Battlestar?

Discussion in 'Rebuildable Atomisers' started by SooKee, Aug 23, 2017.

  1. SooKee

    SooKee Thread Starter Contented Single Coiler

    Aug 17, 2017
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    Got a tank when I purchased my mod which I'm quite happy with but if I was looking for another one as a spare (and also to allow me to switch out, wash and dry tanks between juice changes) which would you suggest would be a very good (even the best??) tank in terms of build / vape quality for a noob that's easily available from Thai online stores.

    Read up a lot on the various brands etc but the trick is, is it available easily in Thailand (prefer not to run the risk of import seizures)?

    Am I right in thinking that an RDTA is an RTA in which you do / can use coils that you make yourself with DIY wicks etc whereas RTA use pre-made coils. Looking for ease of use initially. Of course if an RDTA will take pre-made coils, even better, will allow me to maybe do DIY as time goes on.
  2. Rick O-Shea

    Rick O-Shea iStick Fanboy

    Aug 31, 2014
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    An RTA is a 'rebuildable tank atomizer', they are more hassle than tanks with coils but arguably vape better and don't require the constant expenditure on coils- which, living in Thailand could be problematic.
    An RDTA is basically a dripper (RDA - rebuildable dripping atomizer) with a tank below that allows the wicks to suck up juice, therefore requiring less 'dripping'.

    As for you first question 'what is the best'. You tell me, and I'll buy one too:) Most people like something different.

    You have a tank you like already. Personally, I would buy a dripper and use that when required. It will last you a lifetime*

    *Slight exaggeration.

    Sorry if I didn't answer everything - I'm multitasking...
    farangmick, Siam Diesel and SooKee like this.
  3. SooKee

    SooKee Thread Starter Contented Single Coiler

    Aug 17, 2017
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    Hmmm. Good thought. I don't actually use it that much so a dripper that I can just drip sufficient juice into for the times I'd need to use it might even be a better option as a spare. Might even switch to using a drip full time and use the tank when I'm inclined to be carrying less clutter.
    jpr, Nakhonsisean and Rick O-Shea like this.
  4. kevin bangkok

    kevin bangkok Well-Known Member

    Oct 29, 2014
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    Almost any dripper will suffice, I have about 18 of them collected over the years, don"t know
    whats on the market at the moment but you will have to change coils, easy done enjoy amigo !!
    SooKee, jpr and Siam Diesel like this.
  5. SooKee

    SooKee Thread Starter Contented Single Coiler

    Aug 17, 2017
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    Tank wise, at the moment I have a tank that came with the mod as part of the kit. From what I can see it's probably OK but the airflow ring at the bottom (I'm assuming that's what it is) seems to be a silicon band that rotates (albeit not very easily). So I have a tank, but not so much a tank I LIKE. Out of the (few!!!) that are not either sold out or pre-order at TVS I'm looking at:

    Geekvape Griffin AIO
    Geekvape Ammit RTA
    Digi Flavour Pharaoh RTA
    OBS Engine (Mini / Nano / Sub)

    REALLY wanted the Vandy Vape Kylin and quite fancied the Griffin 25 Plus (merely from review reads) but no stock, unless I can find a supplier elsewhere. At the moment the AIO is coming out on top.

    Be interested in any comments, especially negatives about any of the above that I may have missed.

    Current tank:

    Last edited: Aug 24, 2017
    Siam Diesel likes this.
  6. jpr

    jpr Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2016
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    the griffin 25 is a very good rta for flavor and big tank.
    (and you can use it as single coil with the adapter).
    Airflow ring silicon ?
    some clone version where "sweating" at the jonction of the tank and the air holes ring system.
    a new griffin version?
    SooKee and Siam Diesel like this.
  7. Nakhonsisean

    Nakhonsisean Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2014
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    Personally, I'd skip all of them.
    For single coil tanks, I'd look for a Geek Vape Ammit 25 or Ijoy EXO RTA. Both brilliant takes. EXO actually comes with two decks, single or dual coils, only ever used the single on mine and it's great! Ammit slightly better. I have two Amitt 25s and they are the easiest tanks I've ever had to build and wick and they have never leaked a drop on me. I've seen several Thai vendors still online with both of them. Only dual coil RTA tank I've stuck with are my two Aromamizer Supreme tanks, all the others have been put into retirement, including the Griffin 25 Plus and OBS Engine. For dual coils I use either RDAs or the Advken Mad Hatter RDTA or Ijoy Limitless Plus RDTA, Mad Hatter for flavour and Limitless for clouds! That's my two cents! :grin:
    moonoy93, SooKee, jpr and 1 other person like this.
  8. moonoy93

    moonoy93 Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2013
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    I have a Smoant Battlestar, which is my go to mod.

    Its great, rock solid in performance..

    Tanks, I'm mainly now a single coil guy, I'm not into cloud chasing, but more of a flavour hound..

    My Hurricane V1.2 is my preference tank, coupled with Kayfun 5, which has issues sometimes with juice control.

    Currently looking at the Skyline RTA...
  9. SooKee

    SooKee Thread Starter Contented Single Coiler

    Aug 17, 2017
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    The silicon airflow is on the tank that came with the mod as part of the package. No idea what brand it is.

    Posted using Tapatalk
    Thanks for this. Had a look at the reviews of the Ammit 25 and decided to go with that, along with a Peerless RDA (that I'm picking up from a member here) I should be pretty much sorted. I'll likely switch out the tank that I got with the mod, wash it out and keep it as a spare.
    Sucks I can only get the gold one from TVS. Big Bypass have the silver but it's 1,600 there vs 1,060 from TVS. I'd prefer the silver but not 600 baht more prefer :(
    Nakhonsisean and jpr like this.
  10. farangmick

    farangmick Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    I tried to future proof myself despite being happy with Nautilus coils. RTA's a sod to wick. The only one I like is the Bachelor Nano. I was given a try on a dripper, and bought a Troll and Freak Show, Age, wobbly hands and poor eyesight make dual coils difficult to get right, but when I do!
    SooKee likes this.
  11. jEoHKT

    jEoHKT Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2017
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    RTAs take time to learn. When you do get one, you're gonna be rewicking hundreds of times until you get it right. I learned mine the hard way, since it's so hard to get options in Thailand.

    Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
    SooKee likes this.
  12. SooKee

    SooKee Thread Starter Contented Single Coiler

    Aug 17, 2017
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    Surely they must all take some time? All of the options I've seen seem to require you to wick them in one way or another? Or are there other options I'm not aware of?

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  13. jEoHKT

    jEoHKT Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2017
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    My other option was to buy a clearomizer and just buy coils when it's time to change them. But then thats gonna be a problem in Thailand, not to mention the cost. Thai suppliers charge double for everything, i buy 60ml of juice every 2 weeks from them, and they cost 800b. So i had "no choice" but to learn rebuilding. Youtube and this forum helped with that. And pretty soon i'm gonna learn to mix my own juice, get my solutions from a member.

    Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 27, 2017

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