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    Commonly referred to as e-cigarettes, vaping is really about the use of personal vaporizers (mods) and atomizers (tanks, clearos, RBAs, RDAs, RTAs) filled with e-liquid.
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Aerotank vs. Nautilus

Discussion in 'General Thailand Vaping Discussion' started by oil, Aug 15, 2014.

  1. oil

    oil Thread Starter Custom What?

    Dec 24, 2013
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    .... so for the people which got both the Aerotank and the Nautilus which one you like more and for what reasons?
  2. ThaiGermanSamui

    ThaiGermanSamui Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2014
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    Nautilus cuz i got more flavour .. Vaper production are pretty the same ! :vaping::vaping:
  3. -V-

    -V- Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 28, 2012
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    I never got on with the Kanger tanks, but I'd say from what I've read and seen that the Aspire tanks are better....
  4. Dieter.

    Dieter. Secret Member

    Nov 9, 2013
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    Let me start with a Danish online shop. The owner compared the Nautilus mini with the new Aero Tank mini and said, that the Kanger Tank was a lot better in vape production with the 1.5 Ohm coil of the 3. generation. In othe words, there seem to be coils from Kanger out there, that are not the best as of now. I guess.

    My own expirience is that the Kanger Aero Mega with the 2.1 Ohm coils gives a slightly better taste and same air as the Nautilus, if I vape it on 14-15 Watts. That is also the maximum for me since my electronic mods only go up to 15 watts. Trying to vape it around 10 watts the flooding starts. The coils seem to be a bit in the flooding production, I can't say it otherwise, but around 14-15 watts the flooding is non existence.

    The Nautilus can only be vaped at 7-8 watts, otherwise I get a burning taste. But with the 1.6 Ohms coil they also work perfect on a mechanical mod using the Sony VTC 5 batteries. The vape production is fine, and very close to the Kanger Aero. So fare i still think that the Nautilus in overall is the better Clearomizer, since I can use it on both the mechanical mods and the electronic ones. I can imaging how much the Kanger Mega Aero tank would flood on a mechanical mod.

    I am not sure I always had the best Kanger coils, the coils that came with the tank where defect, from the 5 I bought from Micky maybe 2 worked fine the other 3 arrrrrrgh! The same goes for the Nautilus coils, I had to ditch a few, after vaping 1 or 2 tanks. But with the right coils The Nautilus is much better.

    I wonder how the new coils from aspire are in comparison to the coils I use now. And I wonder if I already have the 3. generation Kanger coils. Could also be interesting if Oil ask the same question in 3 month from now. Maybe then we have all tried the new coils both for the Kanger Aero and the Nautilus.
  5. oil

    oil Thread Starter Custom What?

    Dec 24, 2013
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    thx guys, i made similar experiences with the Nautilus not being bad at all at 7-8 Watts max, Flavor and Cloud wise i believe they are pretty much the same,
    I was asking cause i have 1st generation models of both of them, saying the generation 1 Aerotank is this 18mm tank, they would sell nowadays as a mini i believe :D

    the past days, i back into the Clearo, odd, had weeks where i did only dripping, now doing only Clearos LOL
    so i was considering buying another one, either Nautilus or Aerotank Mega,

    i am satisfied with both, i just think the refilling method of the old Aerotank is a bit stupid, but i am confident they made that better in later versions.
    as for new coils .... well .... didnt like the Nautilus coil usage but i heard that got better as well, right?
  6. Dieter.

    Dieter. Secret Member

    Nov 9, 2013
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    No Oil. The original Aero tank from Kanger, where you did not like the filling system, well that is not improved in the Aero Tank V.2, but they change the air flow control to that of the Mega Tank. I never liked the air control ring of the first Aero Tank. It got stuck and the 3 small holes where in my opinion not enough. Now you have the same airflow control as on the mega, and secondly you now get the new coils for it. I don't have it yet, still waiting for the new Aspire coils, to see if I'm going to buy more Kanger stuff or change to Aspire and the Nautilus.

    The aero Mini is yet another tank, with the new version 3 coils. I enclose a link to Micky, who sells the Aero Tank V2.

  7. Scratchy

    Scratchy Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2014
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    I like the Nautilus mini and large with the new BVC coils a decent amount better than the Aerotank mega and mini (with the newer coils for them). I can crank the Nautilus' V/W higher with no burnt taste, the flavor is better and vapor production is a little better too, IMO. Still, the aerotank mega and mini are very good clearomizers and the mega remains as part of my rotation.

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