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    Commonly referred to as e-cigarettes, vaping is really about the use of personal vaporizers (mods) and atomizers (tanks, clearos, RBAs, RDAs, RTAs) filled with e-liquid.
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Which Rebuildable Clearo tank available ?

Discussion in 'Rebuildable Atomisers' started by Tibo, Jul 19, 2014.

  1. Tibo

    Tibo Thread Starter French Hedonist

    Jun 18, 2014
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    Oh next week will be my first coil build, I'll stick with the basic 1.x from RIP Trippers tutorial ^^

    Thanks for the precisions, Oil :)
  2. Bic

    Bic New Member

    Jun 9, 2014
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    Khon Kaen
    Have a look on Big's bypass page (see bottom of main forum page). He seems to have the best range of RDAs out of our three main thai vendors.

    I may not be the one to ask about the best RDAs as I am only just getting into them myself. I use a Stillare (Cartel) clone, I picked up from Big bypass. It is simple to work with and has adjustable air holes....the only problem is you can't close off one of the air-holes if you are just using a single coil--which I prefer). My Stillare holds probably about 15 drops (say 1 or 2 'cigarettes worth for my setup: using a single 1ohm coil), but how fast you go through it depends on your coil setup (2 coils at lower ohms will chew through your juice quickly).

    There also seem to be 'hybrid' style RDAs coming out (they have deep drip wells that your wicks hang down into). There are one or two more 'standard' RDAs that have deeper juice wells too. The "Magma" Oil mentioned can hold about 40 drops. Big sells a Magma clone for about 700THB...and you get it after 1 or 2 days. I have been thinking about getting one, but as I like the RDA I have, a new RDA is behind a new RTA (maybe a Kayfun) and a higher wattage regulated mod for me. Another RDA is still quite low on the shopping list. The main reason I hesitate is I am getting increasingly dirty looks from my wife every time I get vapemail (an enraged, 5ft midget is a scary thing). Coming up to the three month mark I am at about the 10,000 baht mark. But (in my defence) when I see the setups of some of the guys on this forum, I suspect that 10,00THB is liitle-league.

    When you choose a potential RDA, just see what someone like Riptripper has to say about it (at least about the genuine version). I also like the guy Twisted420 who seems to review a lot of clones. Alternatively, ask the guys on this forum. There seems to be quite a wealth of knowledge here (myself excluded, of course)
  3. Tibo

    Tibo Thread Starter French Hedonist

    Jun 18, 2014
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    I will look into it, Bic. Thanks for your attentive advices :)
  4. smithereens

    smithereens Member

    Mar 22, 2014
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    As pointed out by Bic, the Stillaire is only set up for dual coils, and I'm pretty sure this is also the case for the TOBH atty. The TOBH is a beautiful atty and next on my list I think, unless Big gets the Atomic. Smaller chamber RDAs have better flavour ime, so that's something to keep in mind. My current fav is the Veritas, but it's a bit of an odd one to build on - I wouldn't really recommend it as someone's first RDA, but the flavour is great, it never leaks, and has a big deep juice well. Be careful about the Magma on the Hana clone. The center pin appears adjustable, but when you loosen it out, you can only do so a tiny bit before the inner post gets wobbly-loose. I had one, and it worked fine on the Hana clone, but the center pin was just about flush which had me a bit nervous using it. I started out on the Trident v2. It's a super simple small chamber RDA with 3 posts and no juice well at all. As a beginner I found it easy enough to learn on and I think it's worth considering due to it's simplicity and outstanding flavour. Nothing I've ever used since has been able to match it's flavour, although a few have come very close.
  5. Tibo

    Tibo Thread Starter French Hedonist

    Jun 18, 2014
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    Thanks for the feedback Smithereens.

    I notice you guys do not seem bothered by refilling constantly. I would guess these drippers are then a home use only, am I right ?

    This is really what slowing me down here, when I see juice review on dripper, these guys are taking two inhale than they refill. Seems to be such a hassle !
  6. smithereens

    smithereens Member

    Mar 22, 2014
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    Yeah, before I ever used an RDA I also thought it would be too much of a hassle to always need to re-drip. But after using them for awhile, it turned out that it didn't bother me at all. You get more than 2 inhales before needing to drip again. If you have dual coils, then you re-drip a little less often, but I still prefer single coil setups.

    I drip at home and about 95% of the time when I'm out also. Sometimes I take the kayfun when I go out, but it doesn't satisfy me the way that the RDAs do, So I usually prefer to take an RDA, and fill a 10ml bottle with whatever juice I'm in the mood for, and just put all that in my pocket and go. If I've got a bag with me, sometimes I'll take an extra flavour or two. When i'm out and want to vape, I'll just go to where I'd normally smoke before, pop off the drip tip, drip into the RDA and vape away. Same as a smoke break used to be. If I've got an RDA with me that doesn't have a juice well, I'll drip one time and vape till it's done, and sometimes I'll repeat that once more in that vape session. If I'm using an RDA with a juice well, I just vape until I'm satisfied, and that's that. An RDA with a a juice well provides enough for the equivalent of a bunch of "smoke breaks", and the action of dripping literally takes 10 seconds.

    A few examples:


    1. Trident
    - no juice well
    - very shallow deck
    - really only holds what juice the cotton will absorb, and you can have some juice pooled on the deck also - the cotton will absorb it as you vape.
    - if you (over)drip too much juice, it will leak out of the air holes that are on the sides of the chamber
    - with a single coil, I usually drip about 6-9 drops at a time, and that gives me about 5 - 10 hits depending on how big a hit I take, and what wattage I'm using.
    - if, after dripping, you don't vape all the juice, you may get leakage if the atty is placed sideways


    2. Magma
    - big ass juice well
    - holds up to 40 drops, but if your wick is big, that number will be less because the wick takes up space in there also. no need for big wicks on any attys.
    - i would fill it up, and vape on it for up to an hour while sitting at the computer
    - this one is a bit of a messy rda. when i dripped from the drip tip port, some of the juice would then leak out the air holes due to their location within the chamber
    - also need to be careful about how it's positioned when it has juice in the wells. if it goes sideways in your bag/pocket, it can then leak if there's excess juice in the wells. note that if there's no excess juice, but the cotton wicks are thoroughly soaked, there won't be any leakage - that goes for the trident also.


    3. Veritas
    - big juice well, but not as big as others like the magma
    - holds about 20 drops with wick
    - when filled, I'm usually good for about 20 - 40 minutes of vaping depending on how frequently I take hits.
    - great thing about this one is that it never leaks. well, almost never. it would leak if you turned it upside down, or if you drip more than it's capacity. but turning this one sideways doesn't result in leakage due to it's innovative design.
    - this one has been my go-to ever since I got it. I can fill it up, put it in my pocket (on the mod), and it doesn't leak and provides several vape sessions before needing to re-drip (which, again, only takes 10 seconds anyway). I used to take the kayfun while driving, but now I take veritas.

    Also FYI ... On the hana clone, I like to use a single 9 wrap coil of 28AWG which gets me 1.5 ohms. This vapes nicely at 15 - 20 watts - usually I'm at 17 or 18. Dual coils would lower the ohmage a lot and I find that needs 25 - 30 watts for a great vape which burns thru the battery much more quickly.
  7. Tibo

    Tibo Thread Starter French Hedonist

    Jun 18, 2014
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    I am very surprised with the vaping capacity of the Magma and the Veritas. Then indeed it is not what I thought !

    I thought if I could refill every 10 minutes won't be a hassle so saying you can last more than 30min is a game changer !

    I just got my Russian today, I couldn't not buy ir after looking at it on internet non stop for two weeks. I will start building next week.

    This will give me a couples of week to look at RDA, following your advices and gathering questions I may have.

    I really appreciate the time you guys are spending to write your input, without this I would have never consider the RDA for a long time.

    Many many thanks folks
  8. smithereens

    smithereens Member

    Mar 22, 2014
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    I'll add a few atty pics to the posts above to illustrate those descriptions.

    IMO, having the juice wells is just gravy. Even without them, I'd still prefer to drip rather than use a tank. The flavour is so much better, the vapour is denser and there's much more of it. The increase in satisfaction is what does it for me. Juice wells are sweet though, especially when they don't leak. Leakage is another thing that should be considered by those hesitant to move to RDAs.

    Yeah, they do indeed last awhile with the juice wells. And I pretty much chain vape. Those vape times I listed are for frequent hits. :)
  9. Bic

    Bic New Member

    Jun 9, 2014
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    Khon Kaen
    Often those guys in reviews and build tutorials are vaping at really low ohms with double coils (I saw one of Riptripper's build tutorials where he was vaping at less than 0.1 ohm).

    As I said, I also use a tank most of the time anyway (you wouldn't know it the way I have been talking). But RDAs have major advantages for me. My main use for my RDA is testing out new juices I have made (DIY), or want to mix together (e.g. Pineapple + mango + lime). I have just successfully made up a (quite) OK batch of fruit juices (after two dismal failures). For getting the balances right (%flavour and trying new flavoursetc) the RDA was invaluable. When I want to sample flavour I keep the coil, but change cotton wick (takes 2 minutes).

    I guess why I really like RDAs is they allowed me to find the balance I like (ohms, airflow, VG/PG mix, flavour percentages, which flavours go well together ....and which really suck). I am new to all of this also,. Experimenting with all this stuff has taught me a lot....and I have found I really enjoy the tinkering.

    Actually, as Smitereens said (about the two air holes vs one air hole), I want to keep my eye out for a decent RDA that has the option of opening one or two air holes. I was thinking about the Magma, but I might have to rethink that (in light of Smithereen's point). I think I will have to go back to Big's page. I did see one of the RDAs that had a flavour ring (an optional ring you can add to the chamber to reduce the area ...better flavour), but can't remember it's name. Have to search Big's page again.
  10. smithereens

    smithereens Member

    Mar 22, 2014
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    Think that atty was called Vertex.

    As for the Magma, I didn't get on too well with the single air hole option. I enjoyed the magma more with dual coils. When I vaped it with a single coil, the air hole at max size didn't feel great to me - maybe because it's a 90 degree air channel. I actually preferred to vaping my magma single coils with both air holes wide open.

    I'd like to see some good RDAs come to market that are designed for single coil setups. I don't like building my coil off to one side (on 3 post attys) because often the cotton touches the inner wall of the chamber and juice can climb up the wall and this bugs me.
  11. Tibo

    Tibo Thread Starter French Hedonist

    Jun 18, 2014
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    Smithereens, the Magma and Veritas can be use with cotton or only mesh ? (probably a dumb question lol)
  12. smithereens

    smithereens Member

    Mar 22, 2014
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    I only use cotton. I've never used mesh, and don't know anything at all about it. This is how I coil and wick my Veritas. It's designed for dual vertical coils, but works really well with a single horizontal coil also.



    - - - Updated - - -

    Was just thinking... if you buy a Veritas sometime, you would be better off doing so in person so you can check it out first. The first one I looked at had a drip tip hole that was too small for every tip we tried (and we tried a lot). The second one looked a little bit gnarly inside. The third one was perfect. These are chinese clones after all. Just an FYI.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Also thinking that if you're just starting out, you might want to get a simple three post RDA to learn on. As much as i love the Veritas, I can't recommend it as a starter because it's a tricky build.
    Rick O-Shea likes this.
  13. BuzzSamui

    BuzzSamui Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2014
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    I'm thinking about getting an Origin RDA as my first dripper ...

    thoughts ?

    (can remember Oil recommending them over his Magma, I think it was)
  14. fruit-lover

    fruit-lover Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2013
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    I have an IGO L dripper you can have.
    I first bought a trident and gave that away and I've had the IGO collecting dust for a few months ... Dripping isn't for me

    PM me your address and I will send it on if you want it
  15. BuzzSamui

    BuzzSamui Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2014
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    sure why not ... thanks heaps for that kind gesture !

    - - - Updated - - -

    just watched an 'ol PBusardo review vid (made over a year ago) on the IGO L and altho he ended up with a 'no thumb' rating due to he didn't like the looseness of the cap (o-rings not tight enough) ... he did say it would be good for 'first-time' drippers, good flavour, cool vape not warm ...

    couldn't be any simpler to build from what i saw, so def give it a go ... tks again !

    (maybe the air-hole looks like it could be drilled out bigger too)

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