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Will Vapers Decide The UK Brexit Referendum?

Discussion in 'E-News' started by Bantorvaper, Jun 22, 2016.

  1. Scuba Vaper

    Scuba Vaper Open Water Scuva Instructor

    Dec 23, 2015
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    Wherever the Onion takes me today
    @Lotta , the UK voted LEAVE the EU, and the prime minister David Cameron resigned. Markets have reacted violently as predicted !
    PS, not sure if vapers were the extra 2% that tipped the balance, perhaps the OP will let us know :)
    PPS FTSE100 dropped 500 points (8%) on open this morning on Brexit news, reports are that FTSE250 dropped nearly 12% ... seems nobody though UK would be dumb enough to vote leave ! ...

    Currently XE.com I'm having problems accessing, not sure if they've been overwhelmed by people checking currency rates ...
    Siam Diesel likes this.
  2. -V-

    -V- Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 28, 2012
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    Oh yes the UK vapers voted against the Tpd and if it hadn't been for that I'd say it would have been closer with the votes

    sent from my ProVape Radius
    Scuba Vaper and Siam Diesel like this.
  3. farangmick

    farangmick Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    We have, for a few weeks, a Prime Minister who entered negotiations with the EU after telling them he was desperate to stay in, showing his hand. So despite what he had promised the electorate, he asked for little and received far less. In the referendum, the remain side couldn't find anything positive to say about the EU, only scary bogeyman stories about the risks of leaving.
    I've been hitting the refresh key on the SCB exchange rate page all day. Brexit will hit my family hard in the immediate future, but we are not quite on sticky rice and pla ra. Long term, I'm quite confident. If we don't hit Churchill's "sunlit uplands", at least we've got out of Buchan's "slough of despond".
  4. Scuba Vaper

    Scuba Vaper Open Water Scuva Instructor

    Dec 23, 2015
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    Wherever the Onion takes me today
    @-V- , sounds probable, although I have no way of measuring. The EU regs were bollocks, most vapers agree and disliked being told how to vape by people who mostly aren't even their own countrymen.

    @farangmick , with my market trader hat on, what normally happens is a big spike on speculating hedge funds profiteering and people panicking and then back to trading as usual. So long story short, I don't think it's time just yet, to be bulk buying essentials, markets have recovered somewhat since start of trading, and hopefully (for me as well as GBPTHB affects me directly), we'll be headed back to 55 to the pound. Although, we don't know yet, the next few days will show the course of the pound, so don't count on it.

    I didn't follow either side's political arguments, that stuff bores me enough to pull my own finger nails out. So, I was still an undecided vote, if I had been interested in voting which I wasn't. Although, would have slightly preferred remain in some ways, as it's less interruption and less risk to me personally.

    Bogeyman aside, there are some substantial and real economic risks with leaving the EU, but hopefully the risks will pay off in the UK's favour.

    And yes, totally agree, whilst marginal, UK has voted with it's feet, decision made, brave new UK not longer part of EU, historic.
  5. -V-

    -V- Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 28, 2012
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    I'd bet a he'll of a lot of people thought the out vote result today would be that, as in out today but they probably didn't even know that the article 50 has to be produced and then a min of 2 years before anything will change and that the pm resigning means at least a 3 month wait before any of that will start
    So all of them cheering we're out of the EU have a long long wait to sit back and think of what they have actually achieved

    sent from my ProVape Radius
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2016
    Scuba Vaper likes this.
  6. Scuba Vaper

    Scuba Vaper Open Water Scuva Instructor

    Dec 23, 2015
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    Wherever the Onion takes me today
    Sounds right -V- ... and makes me think market reaction even more of an over-reaction than I already thought it was ... a change is good as a rest they say ...
  7. Koki

    Koki Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2016
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    See EU later.


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