1. Welcome to Thailand Vapers, an English language forum for members in Thailand and the rest of Asia to talk about vaping.
    Commonly referred to as e-cigarettes, vaping is really about the use of personal vaporizers (mods) and atomizers (tanks, clearos, RBAs, RDAs, RTAs) filled with e-liquid.
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To kick, or not to kick. That is the question

Discussion in 'General Thailand Vaping Discussion' started by debatedude, Mar 18, 2014.

  1. debatedude
    No Mood

    debatedude Thread Starter Mech Moderator Staff Member

    Mar 6, 2013
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    Been a lot of discussions about batteries, ohms, kicks, and mechs versus mods. Reading all of it seems a bit confusing and somewhat frightening. After all, no one wants the potential of a battery blowing up. But what the hell, I jumped into the mech world feet first. Got me a Magneto. Got me some 30A 18650 batteries and some little 18350 batteries (for stealth vaping). Got me a dripper. Got me a 510-EGO thread adapter. Got a voltage reader to check battery levels. And I just started. Ya know, it isn't that scary! I've had no problems running my tanks unkicked with any of my batteries (including my 3400mA 18650s). I've had good luck with coiling and dripping. Seems everything runs well. The only thing I look out for is running my batteries too low. So I guess what I am trying to say is that if you're curious, go for it! It wasn't that expensive for me to get started, as the cost of my mech, dripper, batteries, wire, some tools, and a magnifying glass were the same as the cost of my 134. The caveat to all this is that I did NOT start out with top of the line equipment. I didn't know if I would like going the dripping route. And if I didn't like it, I wouldn't have a lot of money invested in it. BUT . . . I've been bitten! I am looking at better equipment, original mechs, and multi-coil drippers! Looks like I got me a great little hobby here!

    So let's open this up: how did you get started using mechs? Are you kicked or unkicked? Use a dripper or a tank? Are you satisfied with what you have, or are you looking for bigger and better?
  2. pommyb

    pommyb New Member

    Dec 12, 2013
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    Jomtien, Pattaya
    Hell..so many questions. :rolling laugh:

    Ok. Personally I started the same way as you. The main reason started to use a mech, though, was bewcause I really liked the look of the Phantom Brass Stingray and ordered one.

    Also I was unable to multi coil efficiently with a VV/VW beacuse of teh limit to the AMPS drawn. Same as you I got Dripper, small amount of different gauge wire, drip tips etc. 30A batteries and all the odds and sods associated and needed. Only thing I don't have yet, I think, is a digital multi meter.

    I started out kicked, on Kayfuns, to get used to the approximate battery life of the lower mAh, and moved on to unkicked soon after for the added Amp draw available for dual coils. Now I only drip. I am debating putting the Kayfuns in the drawer for later on. I haven't used a tank since I started to multi coil. Taste is way up there and vapour as well.

    Finalkly no I am not ready to stop etting new gear for dripping yet, god damn it!! I have a new dripper on the way now, and will be getting a Helios, by Vape Head Origins, as soon as I get back from Song Kran. I would get it now, but I leave in a week or so and it won't get here in time.

    Only going original ow asd I am finding more and more problems with the clones as I buy them A hell of a lot of the problems are really just that I am fussy about my gear and the smaller imperfections can be really annoying to me. You know things like 1 air hole that wont fit a piece of 28g instead of the 3 or 4 on the original, adjustable. That sort of thing. LOL

    So basically for me it is onwards and upwards. A couple more mechs in the future - at least :wink: - and try out drippers.

    I have also found that I have recduced the flavouring percentage in my DIY juice so that is saving me a little bit as well. I will probably settle around 50% from what I was originally putting in.
  3. yourauntbob

    yourauntbob hair club for men member

    Nov 19, 2013
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    i am still working with the vamo and was completely happy with it :love: until this past weekend. Ryan took me down to big by pass and i got a new dripper Origen Dripper Clone so i can start double coiling, the problem is, the vamo is just not putting out the amps to get a solid hit off of it. :not good: so now i am going back and forth about a new mech mostly for the sake of double coiling drippers.

    i am a bit worried using a mech mod without a kick, my life has been an ongoing experiment in murphy's law :rolling laugh: i do understand there is a very small chance of a battery blowing up in my face, but i simply want to make that risk as low as possible. the vamo + kayfun or igoL puts out more vapor than the amount of smoke i would ever consume from an analog :cigarette: so is it really worth it to take a risk so i can fog up a room? :chinrub:

    most likely i will end up getting a cheap mod, (ATM looking like a Nemesis) and being very conscious of battery power until i can locate a kick at a reasonable price. maybe i am being overly cautious, but a double coiled cloud is far from something i need but i do need all my fingers and nose :ha ha ha:
  4. debatedude
    No Mood

    debatedude Thread Starter Mech Moderator Staff Member

    Mar 6, 2013
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    Makes it a fun discussion!
    Something I am keeping in mind as I look at other drippers.
    Have you noticed a taste difference between dripping versus tank? Personally, I have noticed more intense flavors with the dripper.
  5. yourauntbob

    yourauntbob hair club for men member

    Nov 19, 2013
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    i can tell a difference, but i get the difference from a single coil as well. the double coils just add to the amount of vapor being produced. the crazy thing is, i have one or two juices that i actually prefer the taste from a tank. not sure why, maybe i added to much flavoring. :grin:
  6. debatedude
    No Mood

    debatedude Thread Starter Mech Moderator Staff Member

    Mar 6, 2013
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    One thing I have noticed while running unkicked is that my tanks (iClear 16 and vivi Nova) still run well. I haven't fried a coil head or gotten a burned taste. That's kinda nice :)
  7. PattsVaper

    PattsVaper Thailand Vapers Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    Best thing I've done in a while is to get off the analogs and get on to the e-cigs. As well as this I'm really enjoying this forum reading up on all the many facets of vaping that all of you experienced, knowledgeable guys contribute and discuss.

    My learning curve is rising but the fact is I'm still a newb!
    So here's my dumb question. . . . wtf is a kick? :unbelievable:
  8. yourauntbob

    yourauntbob hair club for men member

    Nov 19, 2013
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    :rolling laugh: not laughing at you, just your eloquent way of asking :rolling laugh: i asked myself the same question a few months ago

    a kick is a devise you can put in an unregulated devise to make it regulated.

    Evolv Kick 2

    it allows you to control the watts or volts on a mech mod. it also keeps you from running down your battery too low. on a mech, you are running straight off a battery onto the atomizer. there is no computer in between to let you know when you have a problem or are doing something you shouldnt be.

    here is a great (but long) explanation

    A PBusardo Review -The Kick 2 - YouTube

    - - - Updated - - -

    interesting... :chinrub: anyone have an explanation for this?
  9. Panga

    Panga idiot

    Dec 5, 2013
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    Chiang mai
    I did a month on egos, another 2 on vv/vw before I got my first mech. I actually went mad at FT and bought four. Of these two I never use (Pisces & JM) and two (ss & brass nemesis) I use everyday. I got into mechs because 'everybody' was saying they gave the best vape. Was worried about batteries for a while but not any more

    For out and about (in a pocket/bag, on a motorbike, working etc) I use a Kayfun/Russian clone on a nemesis at 0.9 ohms in 18350 with a strong coffee/choc/ry4 juice. At home, and on lesuirely outings I drip fruity and creamy flavors. Mostly on a Helios/Nemesis. Helios is the Ft one which I had to mod a bit (drill out 2nd airhole, widen holes in afc ring) but now works great as a dual-coil. Dripping on 18650s only as it tends to be about 0.5 ohms.

    For me the Kayfun replaces cigarettes and the dripping is just extra pleasure with the added flavor and vapor. Not sure I could drip all day as a vape a lot and i think it would be overload. EDI|T: Plus drippers leak in my pocket.

    Still occasionally rock an evod on an ego twist when I want to look more normal. Rebuilt with nanocoil and cotton the evod still gives a good vape.

    Don't expect to buy any more mechs although I have ordered another Nemesis as back-up. Still accumulating atties: waiting on orders for: Igow3, Omega, Origen, different Kayfun clone, Ithaka, 3D. Only mod on order is the handmade Copper Mod DNA30 but I don't expect to receive it before the end of April.

    I do use a kick when I am drinking because I am reckless and tend to over-discharge my batteries.
  10. PattsVaper

    PattsVaper Thailand Vapers Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    Thanks for that explanation yourauntbob. Credit for my eloquence goes to living the first half of my life down under, credit for patience and chill goes to living in Hawaii for 25 years and as for my 9 years in Pattaya? It's a mixed bag . . . . I haven't decided what kind of credit I can give it yet. :surprised:

    Anyway, I've got some lessons to catch up on and I love watching all PBusardo's vids.
  11. -V-

    -V- Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 28, 2012
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    I run my mech mods with a kick
    Like vaping at a constant 10W all the way through
    Use an iClear 30S 2.1 ohm just fine....

    I started life without a kick on my mech but the vape was up and down....as the battery from fully charged to half charged to low...
  12. pommyb

    pommyb New Member

    Dec 12, 2013
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    Jomtien, Pattaya
    Not nit picking, just want to clarify. The Kick 2 only regulates Watts up to 15W and allows you to run sub ohm to 0.5W. It doesn't regulate voltage as such but draws what is necessary, together with Amps to get the desired Wattage.

    And Yourauntbob, how much are you looking to pay for a Kick 2?
  13. yourauntbob

    yourauntbob hair club for men member

    Nov 19, 2013
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    not nit picking ah :wink: i saw some clones that adjust volts so i threw it in there

    i am looking to pay nothing :grin: but if i saw one for a good deal i would most likely jump on it. lets say 1000 baht for sake of argument.
  14. pommyb

    pommyb New Member

    Dec 12, 2013
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    Jomtien, Pattaya
    So not cool on the meet up thread and now this!!!! :rolling laugh::rolling laugh:
  15. -V-

    -V- Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 28, 2012
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    So just for fun I took out my kick in my Nemesis and out in my green panny battery, with my Aspire Nautilus on the top if vaped kinda well.
    Not going to continue to do it, but maybe I will get another aw imr 18650 to try out again without the kick....

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