1. Welcome to Thailand Vapers, an English language forum for members in Thailand and the rest of Asia to talk about vaping.
    Commonly referred to as e-cigarettes, vaping is really about the use of personal vaporizers (mods) and atomizers (tanks, clearos, RBAs, RDAs, RTAs) filled with e-liquid.
    Are you looking to get started or an old hand at vaping? Everyone is welcome here so sign up today and talk vaping with us!

Pharaoh RTA by Digiflavor (RiP Trippers Project)...Sold out

Discussion in 'Big By-Pass's Atomizers, Cartomizers and Tanks' started by Big by-pass, Jun 7, 2017.

  1. Big by-pass
    No Mood

    Big by-pass Thread Starter Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2014
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    The Pharaoh RTA is an innovative tank designed by Rip Trippers.
    This tank is elaborately designed, paying attention to every detail to deliver
    the best vaping experience. digiflavor-pharaoh1.jpg

    Innovative Airflow Control System (BAF + Top Angled Airflow)

    Choose Bottom airflow only for best flavor;
    Choose Top Angled Airflow for no noise and no condensation vaping;
    Choose both for maximum vapor production.


    Domical top chamber for better flavor

    Short shaft section to increase flavor

    Two 3mm airflow channels that run from the top cap down through the
    top of the domical chamber to boost airflow and flavor.


    Interchangeable Decks digiflavor-pharaoh5.jpg

    Includes a juice expansion tube to increase liquid capacity




    Color SS only
    Price 1900THB.
    EMS 60THB.


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