1. Welcome to Thailand Vapers, an English language forum for members in Thailand and the rest of Asia to talk about vaping.
    Commonly referred to as e-cigarettes, vaping is really about the use of personal vaporizers (mods) and atomizers (tanks, clearos, RBAs, RDAs, RTAs) filled with e-liquid.
    Are you looking to get started or an old hand at vaping? Everyone is welcome here so sign up today and talk vaping with us!

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Discussion in 'The Thailand Vaping Newbies' started by romkristoff, Jan 29, 2016.

  1. romkristoff

    romkristoff Thread Starter Active Member

    Jan 15, 2016
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    Im using subtank mini. My coil is 5ohms. When im firing, the juice keeps popping. Its like an electric shock if it hits my tongue. And also it taste burnt. How can i fix it. Help please.
    Scuba Vaper likes this.
  2. farangmick

    farangmick Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    Hi. I assume you mean 0.5 ohms. Maybe you got a drop of juice in the chimney when filling, or too much juice poured in the top hole to prime the coil. It's just a personal thing, but now I only use the juice holes to prime the coil in the subtank mini. I take a few minutes. Then I let the coil sit for five minutes or so in a tank of juice. Then dry puffs with air holes closed to get rid of any trapped air. Finally (if you haven't nodded off yet)! I start at a low wattage, and work up to my normal range 4-5 puffs at a time. Sounds like a lot of buggering about, but I get better flavour and a longer life from a coil than I did when I started.
    Burnt taste = new coil.
    Hope you can pick something out of this that helps.
  3. Scuba Vaper

    Scuba Vaper Open Water Scuva Instructor

    Dec 23, 2015
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    Wherever the Onion takes me today
    @farangmick , all good advice, aiming to add to what you said ...

    I use a small cotton bud to clean the "chimney", sometimes there seems to be a build up of juice in there. Don't ram in it there, as possible coil damage could occur, just very gently mop up any excess with little or no pressure on the cotton bud.

    My subtank mini quite often "pops" and "crackles", usually this means the wattage is set too high, or airflow is too low. So adjust airflow, wattage and clean the chimney, and all should be cool with your vaping. Occasional pops and crackles I found normal.

    0.5 ohm standard vertical kanger coil, on a subox mod, I'd say anywhere from 15W to maybe 35W, depending on the VG/PG of the liquid. More VG I found needs higher wattage, more PG at generally lower wattage.

    It's also vaguely possible it might be down to the juice being too "thin", and being supplied to the coil too quickly, which could happen if too much PG like 80/90/100 percent. Generally most juices I vape are 70/30, 60/40 or 50/50 PG/VG, if that helps.
    etlava, farangmick and Siam Diesel like this.
  4. JohnKalasin
    No Mood

    JohnKalasin Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2015
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    If it pops and crackles, the coil is getting to much juice.. I would try to rewick with new cotton. Make sure both juice holes is fully covered, but it's should be nice and fluffy so you can actually see light coming out of the juice holes. But this also depends on the juice you are vaping. Sometimes I have to stuff extra cotton around the juice holes if I vape a thin juice.

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ6.6 using Tapatalk
    etlava and Scuba Vaper like this.
  5. romkristoff

    romkristoff Thread Starter Active Member

    Jan 15, 2016
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    ok. thanks for your help. i'll try it once my orders arrived.

    Last edited: Jan 30, 2016
    Scuba Vaper likes this.
  6. Longtail1

    Longtail1 Vaping Troll

    Sep 2, 2014
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    I always used to get more noise from the coil with the more PG% in the juice. I get NO spitting on anything now I am on max VG juice.
    etlava and Scuba Vaper like this.
  7. JohnKalasin
    No Mood

    JohnKalasin Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2015
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    My experience is that if its pops and crackles is`s because I didn't wick it properly, that goes for my OBS and Subtank.. Im waping 40/60 PG/VG
    etlava and Scuba Vaper like this.
  8. Scuba Vaper

    Scuba Vaper Open Water Scuva Instructor

    Dec 23, 2015
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    Wherever the Onion takes me today
    Useful to know, I'm still learning VG and PG "special powers", so will add that one to memory banks :)

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