1. Welcome to Thailand Vapers, an English language forum for members in Thailand and the rest of Asia to talk about vaping.
    Commonly referred to as e-cigarettes, vaping is really about the use of personal vaporizers (mods) and atomizers (tanks, clearos, RBAs, RDAs, RTAs) filled with e-liquid.
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Interesting article about Health and ECig use

Discussion in 'General Thailand Vaping Discussion' started by haybilly, Mar 21, 2015.

  1. haybilly

    haybilly Thread Starter Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2014
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    This has been borrowed from 'UK Vapers Forum'- thanks and congrats to them.
    Electronic cigarette use and harm reversal: emerging evidence in the lung

    As it says, long term health benefits can't be established at this early stage, but there is evidence of fairly immediate benefits for those switching from 'Tobacco based cigarettes' to ECig vapour based.
    Legislators need to take this into account.
  2. David in Bangkok

    David in Bangkok Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2014
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    Not to take away what is useful from this, but the lack of funding for better studies is worrisome:

    "Prospective clinical studies of well-characterized EC users would be the most informative to investigate respiratory health outcomes; however, such studies are quite demanding due to several methodological, logistical, ethical, and financial challenges. In particular, to address the potential of future disease development, hundreds of users would need to be followed for a substantial number of years before any conclusions could be made."
  3. haybilly

    haybilly Thread Starter Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2014
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    Sadly funding is unlikely to be forthcoming -while Big Tobacco has ample cash to fight with.
    On a simple level -if all Vapers got together, possibly via all these forums, and submitted our own health report data (I just had my annual Full Health Check at local hospital -lung X Ray continues to improve on the ones taken pre ecigs ) a pattern might begin to be observed and data could start to be collected,maybe.
    Organising this could be 'relatively ' simple, surely?
  4. David in Bangkok

    David in Bangkok Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2014
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    While you might be able to come to conclusions with stats like those, I think for a "scientific" study there would need to be more control for it to be recognized. So I don't know that it would be relatively simple.

    One issue is that this happened with cigarettes. People thought they were safe because the issues associated with them do not come within a few months or even within a few years, it takes a long time for the problems to start. So if ecigs caused problems, we may not know until people have been vaping for say 30-40 years and then problems start to show.

    Of course that's a hypothetical, I'm not saying problems will start to show, but they're saying the only way to really know....is to wait until basically people have been vaping and passing away without complications I guess....

    Medicine/Science was not my field of study, so I'm not really sure what is needed to be honest. I think the kind of study you are talking about would probably be really helpful anecdotal evidence for vapers, but I'm guessing the FDA or similar would throw it out for not being reliable.
  5. Mack

    Mack Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    I wouldnt underestimate the big drug companys here. The goverments around the world want a pice of the action and so does Drug and Tobacco companys. Studys like this will at least keep vaping legal. Higher prices and controls are enevitable, so is a black market. I welcome more research, more control too in time as it will ensure vaping is safer. Will the controls put venders out of buisness Yes, lots. What we have to feer is Tobacco getting into the act without control, for decades they manages to refine tobacco smoking into a more and more dangerouse product. Can we trust the drug companys to produce eliquid without adding things, I dont know, but at the moment we are trusting food flavour companys and some of them have shown reluctance to remove dangerouse addatives from ther flavours. I hope this time round the Governments dont let tobacco get involved, and manage the controls effectivly.
    haybilly likes this.
  6. haybilly

    haybilly Thread Starter Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2014
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    You both make very good, valid points.
    I just think that, in light of the recent legislation passed in Denmark, any Medical/scientific body that is willing to publish positive reports about vaping is good news- if Politicians are prepared to pass laws without a shed of evidence to back up their hypothesis- our vaping future could be in question.
    Mack likes this.
  7. Dieter.

    Dieter. Secret Member

    Nov 9, 2013
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    The legislation is not passed yet. It was a proposal, and more than 800 people wrote to the parliamentary health committee and the health minister (me too of course), after that there was a hearing period, where you could write your suggestions and comments to specific parts of the law, and that period is now over I just sent my comments yesterday the last day. The next thing, that will happen is, that they will read all these comments and make there final proposal. How that will look, I have no idea, we can only hope that they listen to or considering all the answers they have got so far. I have not been to much on this forum, as i use too, just busy making the last comments on the law. At least I did what i could, but it is sad to see not only that they are so negative about the e-cig, but also that only very few have been really active in the political fight. I can protest as much as i will in this forum, but it help no one, first when you send your comments to the parliament or minister, you might change things, and if not....Well at least you tried.
    Siam Diesel, Mack and haybilly like this.
  8. flem

    flem Vaping for 5 years

    Dec 27, 2014
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    Dieter. You know Danish people are best fighting behind the computer screen othervice the Danish government would never have got away with many of the things that have happen lately. people complain, but get up of the chair and do something about it is a no GO.
    You would not think that there where so many vapers in Denmark as there are, because they seem to not care, maybe because they just buy there stuff outside Denmark.
  9. David in Bangkok

    David in Bangkok Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2014
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    I forget how tough you have it in Europe. America seems to have a better situation, the grassroots movements in the US are pretty decent for the most part, although it could of course be better seeing as the other side is pretty Fing powerful for grassroots movements to fight it.

    The problem is will they look at this and say "this is useful it proves something" or will they say "this was an incomplete study, we need more" (of course the reasons why they say it may have nothing to do with their actual belief in the study and more to do with tobacco lobbyists putting the pressure, but that's the situation either way).
  10. Dieter.

    Dieter. Secret Member

    Nov 9, 2013
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    No as I have seen it in the law proposal in Denmark, they are ready to deliver the nicotine and e-liquid, "which is so dangerous, only they can handle it." The Danish health authority has many members who work for the drug companies as well. In Denmark the health minister just had to fire the director last week. I therefore suggested to let the control with e-liquid be done by the food administration instead. Since I'm not sick I only want clean e-liquid. At least I could tell the minister, that we don't trust the health authority. The health authority in Denmark approved a nicorette spray, with ingredience, that I don't want to vape. Believe me even Feellife e-liquid is a lot cleaner than that. And they approved a pill to help smokers stop, that has a long list of dangerous side effekts.

    We have as you know a saying in Denmark, when ask why there never has been a revolution in Denmark, that it start raining the day, the revolution should have started, so the revolution never came. But at least the Danish vaper organisation DADAFO (some 900 members, all over Denmark and the world) did a great job, and send a really good answer to the minister. But now we just have to wait for the next version of the proposed law.

    The biggest problem is that the prime minister and the one before are so bloody EU friendly. When the EU say jump, they answer how high, and it looks that they implemented the EU TPD, much more strickt as they had too.
  11. flem

    flem Vaping for 5 years

    Dec 27, 2014
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    And that primeminister vi har nu og ham i opposition er alt vi har at vælge imellem. Jeg er glad for jeg ikke bor der lige nu!
  12. David in Bangkok

    David in Bangkok Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2014
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    Seems like it would almost be beneficial from a legal standpoint if one or some of the companies would get very large. In that case they would have a nice amount of capital and they could spend money lobbying to protect their business. Problem is the biggest companies are still not big enough to start doing that yet.

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