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help - why does one wick dry up faster?

Discussion in 'Rebuildable Atomisers' started by npililis, Jan 27, 2016.

  1. npililis

    npililis Thread Starter Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2016
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    hey u guys - why does one of the wicks in my 2 coil vertical setup on origen v2 'dry' up faster than the other and goes white n can taste the dry hit coming, before the other one?

    anything to do with the coils - one running hotter? or issit the thickness of wicks ?
  2. Longtail1

    Longtail1 Vaping Troll

    Sep 2, 2014
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    Pics of the build would help but it could be either,

    Things that effect the coils are the number of wraps, the internal diameter, length of the legs to coils, and the gauge of the wire and how good the connections are at the posts. Oh and also hot/or cool spots on the coils.

    if made from Kanthal the east what to see if there is a problem with one coil is to remove the wick and do a dry burn. If they both heat at exactly the same speed, i.e. Start to glow from the middle outwards basic resistance is equal. If when they are glowing there is a brighter spot or a dull spot you need to manipulate and compress the coil until it blows evenly.

    If all that is equal then the wicks need to be close to the same thickness and length so they hold the same amount of juice and so dry out at about the same time.

    As you are not getting dry or burnt hits until they are getting drier I would look at your wick first and concentrate on getting the same amonot of cotton through the coil and the same length tails to the juice well. Also make sure both wells on the Origen have the same juice to start with.

    Sorry to waffle but there can be a lot of things to cause this in the two areas you asked about.
    Siam Diesel, debatedude and Donkey like this.
  3. Donkey

    Donkey Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2016
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    Duel coils you ALWAYS have to make them both exactly the same (wraps, size, etc). That's why i only run one coil real pain the ass doing two i can never get it right and end up just wasting wire trying.
  4. Lotta

    Lotta Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2015
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    Longtail1 says it all. Make sure you coils heat up the same and the wicking is the same. To be noticeable, there usually has to be an obvious difference in the two. But with higher wattages the margin for error gets smaller. An RDA will tend to make any differences more pronounced as well.

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