1. Welcome to Thailand Vapers, an English language forum for members in Thailand and the rest of Asia to talk about vaping.
    Commonly referred to as e-cigarettes, vaping is really about the use of personal vaporizers (mods) and atomizers (tanks, clearos, RBAs, RDAs, RTAs) filled with e-liquid.
    Are you looking to get started or an old hand at vaping? Everyone is welcome here so sign up today and talk vaping with us!

Greetings from a vapor in Udonthani.

Discussion in 'The Thailand Vaping Newbies' started by Dieter., Nov 14, 2013.

  1. Dieter.

    Dieter. Thread Starter Secret Member

    Nov 9, 2013
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    I just would like to introduce myself to you here in the Forum. I am somewhat new to vaping, started on it 3 month ago, and got rather frustrated. A friend from Denmark visited me in May and he had now changed from pipe smoking to e-pipe vaping and otherwise used some vaping sticks, when he was out. I later found out that the sticks actually where ego batteries. but ok. After he returned to Denmark I gave it a good long thought. My own lounge was not in a to good shape after smoking for so many years. I'm 66 and smoked since I was 18. Some month later I saw the e-pipe, he had smoked here at a local marked and bought it. It came with 2 tanks batteries and charger the e-pipe 618. It worked for me a few days, then the cartomizers did not work, and no spare cartomizers at hand in Udonthani. So I bought some cigarettes to smoke in between, because this was no good. At a trip to Nongkai at the lokal marked i found some Vivi Nova tanks, and thought I could use them with the pipe. At the same time I bought a starter set ego batteries with clearomizers. It actually worked fine for some days, but the Vivi Nova tank leaked badly, and Iguess some liquid went into the pipe ? but the automatic pipe stopped working. I could draw on it until I was blue in my head, but no vapor. The pipe stopped fiering.

    After 3 weeks the ego batteries connections where finished. I could not screw the clearomizers onto the batteries. They would not hold any more, and a few dyays later they stopped firing altogether. In the meantime I had bought from a local vendor a set called GS sub 2.0. A telescope battery holder with a V-core 2.0 clearomizer. It worked really fine on the batteries I used for the pipe before but the longer 18650 battery the vendor also sold me never worked on it. He replaced it a few times, but it's still not working. A connector so I could use the ego clearomizers on the GS sub 2.0 a 510/ego adapter did, according to the vendor, not exist in Thailand. This is just a bit of the frustration i had during my last month as vapor.

    But I did not give up so easy, I found a lot of material on the web mostly on youtube, and last saturday I finally found this forum. Wow, I spent a lot of time in here and checking all the good stuff that the vendors Micky's shop and @ecigarette had to offer. I felt a bit like a child in a candy store. I already placed my first order at Micky and got my stuff Wednesday. Now I can use my ego clearomizers on the GS sub 2.0 thanks to the 510/ego adapter from Micky and I love it. And funny enough, can I now use the big 18650 batteries on it too. Micky told me that the ultra fire batteries I had did not work and he was right, the Efest he sold me works perfectly.

    I am just happy to have found this place and i like the atmosphere in this Forum. I am starting feeling at home, and would just like to sent you all greetings from Udonthani. I am still looking through the offerings for my next orders, and what about cigarettes, after the first week with the e-pipe, where I still smoked cigarrettes in between, i have not been smoking cigarettes any more. And I don't have that desire any more. So now its 100 percent vapor for me.
  2. AI-NAAM
    No Mood

    AI-NAAM Provarinati Member

    Oct 10, 2013
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    Welcome to the forum Dieter. :hello:
  3. -V-

    -V- Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 28, 2012
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    An excellent intro mate.

    Welcome to the Forum, take a good read around the threads and posts on the Forum lots of info around.
    Also ask anything any time and posters will try to help
    Also you will find Micky very helpful and can always find things even if he doesn't have it.

    As for the You Tube, these are my favourite 2 guys:
    pbusardo - YouTube

    Todd ecigreviews - YouTube

    Also hours can be spent watching these:
    Vape Team - YouTube
  4. Hoppy

    Hoppy Retired, fat and happy

    Jul 18, 2013
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    Rural Isaan
    Welcome Dieter, enjoy the info available on here. :welcome:
  5. Don Graham

    Don Graham Over 40 years SMOKEING

    Mar 5, 2013
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    Bangsaen Beach, Chon Bari
    Welcome, Sorry to here you had such a hard time. Many a man would have given up. Happy to see you hung in there. It is all down hill from here. Micky's, is one of the best stores I have shopped at. I buy about 98% of my juice and clearos from him. :vaping:

  6. Dieter.

    Dieter. Thread Starter Secret Member

    Nov 9, 2013
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    Thank you all for the kind words, and also thank you Vapermorphs for the links. I use them a lot already. Some really good information available.

    Yes Don Graham i have both send my orders to micky and also received the goods, and this really make a difference, now i have some good devices and clearomizers that work fantastic, compared to what i had. Now i really enjoy vaping, and it's not the last order I will send to Mickey.

    I have been a pipesmoker for many years, but coming to Thailand I gave up, not being able to buy some desent tobacco around Udonthani, and I started on cigarettes again. And now I have a bit the same behaviour, than when i smoked pipe. As pipesmoker, I had some good strong pipes when I went out, had some really quality stuff even a Cabbash pipe, and i really enjoyed, depending on my mood, to smoke the different pipes or enjoy another fine blend of tobacco. The same i can do now vapering. Thanks to Mickey, i have some pretty fine vaping devices and i ordered some different juices, so i can start my day with maybee some Peppermint, later some fruit or whatever, just pick what I like at this moment.

    At least my frustration is over, and i can really enjoy vaping a lot more. Thank you all.

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