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    Commonly referred to as e-cigarettes, vaping is really about the use of personal vaporizers (mods) and atomizers (tanks, clearos, RBAs, RDAs, RTAs) filled with e-liquid.
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E-CIG EXPLOSIONS!!! - What The News Doesn't Tell You

Discussion in 'Youtube Vaping Videos' started by -V-, Jan 30, 2017.

  1. Siam Diesel

    Siam Diesel Nauti Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Vape Wastelands
    We're just going around in circles here...

    I don't agree with you, @nicotinelove but you're more than welcome to your opinion.
    farangmick, Konvict and debatedude like this.
  2. debatedude
    No Mood

    debatedude Mech Moderator Staff Member

    Mar 6, 2013
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    Which reminds me...I have some Sammies to re-wrap! The Tesla Invader III is hard on battery wraps.
  3. -V-

    -V- Thread Starter Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 28, 2012
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    I take it nicotinelove doesn't like Mech Mods then :rolling laugh::rolling laugh:

    As per the thermal runaway / shorts which is mentioned on the video, this can and could happen to any device.
    Keep an eye on your batteries and any defects on the wrap bin em or re wrap em...or you too could see the same happening to your regulated device....
  4. yourauntbob

    yourauntbob hair club for men member

    Nov 19, 2013
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    I tend to agree with this more than anything. Upon my return to the US a few years back i stopped in a vape shop and the sales person showed me a devise with a hybrid top. I liked how small it was and purchased, got home and screwed my subohm tank on and took a hit. The battery immediately got hot and I knew something was wrong. I only use top notch batteries and nothing major happened (luckily).

    At that time I had been vaping for over a year and had several mechs. A few of the people on this forum had given me an extensive lesson on ohms law etc but the hybrid top cap was not something that ever came up. Basically, if your selling these devises you should make sure the person who is purchasing them understands them. Even if someone is advanced asking basic questions like "have you owned a devise like this before?" would help. If no, then taking a few moments to mention the potential hazards is worth the time.

    As stated above, the government should not be telling us how we can live our lives. Although mech mods can be dangerous many use them with no issue. The key is education. I would be all for making an "education" requirement before they can be sold/purchased but not an outright ban.
  5. debatedude
    No Mood

    debatedude Mech Moderator Staff Member

    Mar 6, 2013
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    Those can scare me, even though I have two of them. One must have the right battery AND the right RDA/RTA with an extended 510 pin in order to get a modicum of safety.
    +1 well said!
    Siam Diesel and Konvict like this.
  6. Dieter.

    Dieter. Secret Member

    Nov 9, 2013
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    Personally i really liked the video, since he at least try to explain, what some of the causes for battery explosings are. In my opinion, it is a matter of education and education again. And if you are buying a mech mod, it would be nice to tell people that an ohms meter, spo you can measure the resistance in a coil and the resistance in the finished assembled tank or RBA, it is a must, since a mech mod is firing a tank or RBA with a short, where the regulated mod, will not fire. In my opinion it is not enough, that the shops advice the buyer. Also the media has a responsibillity. In stead of just telling the public about a exploding e-cigarette, they should tell why it happens, spo people learn. Errors can happen to everyone. I also have a special expirience with the hybrid mod.
    I did excatly the same the centerpin in the tank stuck out well enough, but I did forget, it was spring loaded. Shit can happen quick and only a good education can help in the long run.


    This one just shows that education must come from more than one source. The shop who sold the Cuboid mod told the buyer that he needed some high quality batteries and sold the buyer 2 Sony batteries, but when it exploded the mod contain 1 Efest battery of unknown capacity and the second battery could not be identified. In other words, the user did not use quality batteries at all time. Maybe just maybe, the education from the shops even when it is good, might not always be believed by the suser, who often will think the shop only say, what they say in order to sell more, one more reason for fora and the media to participate in the effort in educating the users instead of scaring them.
    farangmick, debatedude, jpr and 3 others like this.
  7. farangmick

    farangmick Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    I went into battery safety and Ohm's Law when I started vaping, although its not now a big deal since I'm happy with MTL.
    But I concentrated too much on the maths. I never realised until I watched a video on Youtube that everything outside the insulation surrounding the positive terminal is negative. Possibly many vapers are like I was, and think that only the shiny bit at each end of a battery conducts a current
    DannyA likes this.
  8. Siam Diesel

    Siam Diesel Nauti Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Vape Wastelands
  9. DannyA

    DannyA Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2016
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    Having watched several YouTube reviewers going on about exploding mods (rightly so). I currently have 2 issues with the regulated mod reviews that fit into this topic. Am a vapor for 2 months and see no need to own a mech mod (yet). So it is from a novice perspective.

    1. Basically they advise to charge your batteries seperatly for battery safety. So why put the charging option on the mod? Some mention don't charge your battery in the mod over night or if you are not in the room. So you are in the room while charging and "something" happens. Great, all I would know to do is run :peace:
    So what would the thoughts be when travelling, always take a charger with you?

    2. On my vaporesso attitude starter kit I have a bypass mode! So do a lot of other regulated mods and everytime the reviewer just mentions it. Haven't seen 1 reviewer actually trying it. Are there any protection features in bypass mode? Does it hit like a train (apparently mechs do that :grin:)?
    Haven't tried the bypass yet, when I'm more comfortable in my abilities will try. Anyone tried their bypass mode?

    There is an inherent risk in everything we do, I would want it to be an informed risk :chinrub:
  10. debatedude
    No Mood

    debatedude Mech Moderator Staff Member

    Mar 6, 2013
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    I always do. I have one charger for home use and one for travelling. And even with my box/regulated mods, I always use the charger.
  11. DannyA

    DannyA Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2016
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    Makes sense and it's what I plan to do.

    To bring it in line with this threads topic of battery safety and and the shops "responsibility" to inform accordingly.
    I was sold the charger only after I opted to buy a second battery because he said 1 x 18650 might not last me all day. He then did say it was recommended to charge batteries seperately anyway.
    I was well instructed and there is no complaint there.

    Now instead of banning the sales of mech mods why not have mandatory battery safety posters in shops.
    On online shops have a pop up on battery safety before you pay for your mod.

    It's called self regulation! I'm not seeing a lot of that. It's simpler if we make the rules than let politicians have a go at it.

    Making mech mods illegal :rolling laugh:

    Please, anyone, seriously - have the current laws we live under stopped you from vaping?

    Didn't work for me, I've just started :vaping:
    Bantorvaper likes this.
  12. jpr

    jpr Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2016
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    everything is possible just because stupidity is a fact.
    Look in Europe:
    Maximum e liquid bottle size - 10ml Maximum? just wait a promotion for 3 bootles
    nicotine strength - max 20mg/ml
    Maximum cartridge or tank size - 2 or 3 ( I don't remember) ml.
    Illegal products or boosters just come from outside of Europe, so everything is possible
    Konvict and farangmick like this.
  13. farangmick

    farangmick Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    I come from one of the biggest Nanny States. A country with laws so stupid, that for a few years people in the front seats of a car had to belt up, but those in the back didn't. So saved by the seat belt, but crushed by your 80 kilo mate in the back.
    I'm all in favour of laws protecting third parties, such as bald tyres, defective brakes, to continue the analogy, but totally against those that only affect the individual, such as compulsory crash helmets and mods going bang.
    Siam Diesel and jpr like this.

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