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    Commonly referred to as e-cigarettes, vaping is really about the use of personal vaporizers (mods) and atomizers (tanks, clearos, RBAs, RDAs, RTAs) filled with e-liquid.
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A pity you can't legislate or outlaw ignorance....

Discussion in 'E-News' started by PattayaIELTSTeacher, Apr 18, 2015.

  1. PattayaIELTSTeacher

    PattayaIELTSTeacher Thread Starter Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2013
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    This just in!

    Youth e-cigarette data prompts new calls to speed regulation| Reuters

    I especially like this part......
    (Reuters) - Public health advocates are stepping up pressure on the U.S. government to quickly regulate and restrict access to e-cigarettes after new data showed use of the products tripled among high school and middle school children last year.

    The figures released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Thursday raised concern among health officials who fear e-cigarettes will create a new generation of nicotine addicts who may eventually smoke conventional cigarettes.

    Cigarette smoking fell more than 25 percent over the same period. E-cigarette proponents said the data could indicate e-cigarettes are diverting young people away from conventional cigarettes, a view rejected by tobacco control advocates.

    As I said, you can't outlaw ignorance! :chinrub:
  2. Talen

    Talen Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2014
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    You can't really say it's ignorance when it is in fact based on real evidence. More and more kids are getting into vaping because it's the cool new thing. They are vaping because their friends are whereas we got into vaping to get away from the deadly addiction of cigarettes. Go to ECF and click on the new vapers forum and read the threads about it looked so cool so I had to get into vaping. I read a thread last night from some young idiot about how he has never smoked but he has started vaping at 12mg nic and now wants to move up to 18mg.
  3. PattayaIELTSTeacher

    PattayaIELTSTeacher Thread Starter Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2013
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    That evidence being a 25% reduction in smoking. The ignorance I mention relates to the "tobacco control advocates".

    Regarding nicotine, so far as I'm concerned, the jury's still out. It stimulates, and relaxes me, and I don't necessarily see that as a bad thing.

  4. Talen

    Talen Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2014
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    Nicotine is also what addicted millions to smoking... you can bang the drum all day about a 25% reduction in smoking but that has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that young stupid people are climbing on the vaping train because it's cool bro. I love vaping, it has gotten me off cigarettes but I absolutely see a problem with young people starting to vape because it's exactly how most of us started this ride with smoking.

    The jury has never been out regarding nicotine, yes, it does relax you it also stimulates you and is great for concentration...it also attaches to the pleasure center in your brain and stimulates the release of dopamine...
  5. Dieter.

    Dieter. Secret Member

    Nov 9, 2013
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    Yes and here I disagree with you Talen. I do not see it as a big thing, because we behaved as idiots ourself as young, when we go t into smoking, and the young people today find it cool to vape, in the same way we found it cool to smoke. Young people are young people. I guess it all starts with the education they get at home if any. But I think it's a lot better they start on vaping, than on smoking. And I also read a big article not so long ago, that many young people used a lot of nicotin chewing gum, and funny enough, no health authority ask for a more strict regulation on nicotin chewing gum, why is that ? And I don't believe, that the young people will be smoking tobacco cigarettes later on, not with all the tasty liquids around. But ok, that is only my belief.
  6. PattayaIELTSTeacher

    PattayaIELTSTeacher Thread Starter Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2013
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    I'ts a good, civil convo, so I don't mind a bit of back and forth.

    Regarding Vaping, for so many, it's ended the ride with smoking rather than begun it. And, it's no surprise at all that the "cool" factor is drawing a bunch of young upstarts.

    My point is,until somebody is able to prove with any certainty that it's on par with smoking health-wise, it ought to either be left the F**k alone, or at the very least be treaded upon with care. As is, enough of our rights are being infringed on nowadays!
    Dieter. likes this.
  7. Talen

    Talen Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2014
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    And this is the point you guys are so glaringly missing. Again, I love vaping and after 30 some odd years of smoking anything is better for me as far as I am concerned. I know for a fact in the short term vaping poses no health concerns to me....but, and here is the rub, none of us know what the long term affects are and the same exact arguments you are making in this thread are the very same arguments medical professionals made about cigarettes decades ago....until they knew better. It's not a good thing for the vaping industry that the kids think it's cool.... I vape for a valid real life reason and it's not big clouds bro
  8. Dieter.

    Dieter. Secret Member

    Nov 9, 2013
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    You might have a point there, but there have never been so many reports from non - independent researchers, who can't see the risk on long term vaping. As I understand it, the Tobacco industry and many doctors knew about the danger of smoking, but where paid of by the tobacco industry. You can't prohibit everything that might be a risk to health, like alcohol, coffee or nicotine. People will get it anyway, and teenagers are teenagers, always trying to exploy the exciting stuff. As I see the articles, it's just another fine "argument" for more control and restrictions, even the US has some bad experiences with prohibition in the past, and I fear this is getting very close in that direction.
  9. David in Bangkok

    David in Bangkok Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2014
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    My problem with this is that they looked at the total numbers, and cigarette smokers are moving to ecigs, but the total number of tobacco related use has stayed steady. Leading one to believe that vaping is bringing otherwise cigarette smokers and not just random kids who would have stayed off everything.

    Hard to say if those kids thinking vaping is cool would have been smokers or not, but one would guess they would be more likely to think smoking was cool and try that wouldn't they? Then picking vaping over smoking is probably not a huge health concern.

    I don't know for a fact that this is true, but we have to remember that there still will always be new smokers. I think the fact that they are picking vaping is something good.
  10. Tibo

    Tibo French Hedonist

    Jun 18, 2014
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    A great reading this thread is. Great arguments from all of you guys, love that !

    The question is : was this kid going to start smoking or not ?

    If YES : He'd better be vaping then. So it's good that he sees vaping as a cooler trend than smoking.

    If NO : The cool factor of vaping is now an issue. Vaping would potentially make him addicted to nicotine and as authorities like to say, make him slides to real smoking.

    The thing is, this question has no predictable answer. So each argument is valid as any individual is free of his own choices. You cannot know in advance what the kid was born to be (smoker or non-smoker) so you cannot take the right action to prevent an unknown event.

    I watch Back to the Future yesterday...it helps :)
    Siam Diesel and Dieter. like this.
  11. David in Bangkok

    David in Bangkok Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2014
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    As vapers I think there is a simpler answer to this, let them vape 0mg nicotine. It's not the best thing in the world to be vaping when you don't need to, but without nicotine you could say that it's fairly harmless, and the anti-tobacco/ecig people won't be able to call them "tobacco product users" as easily if there is no nicotine...

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